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Lapis POV.

"I'M HEADING OUT!" I yelled, listening until my dad shouted "OKAY" before actually exiting and closing the door behind me.

I jogged over to my truck and hopped in, smiling to myself as i started it up and backed out. I made my way easily through town, out towards the hill. My hill.

I parked, making sure the bed of my truck faced the town, and got out, making my way around and onto the tailgate. I sat there for a second, before pulling out my guitar.

Now all I could do was wait.


Peridot POV.

"I can't believe I'm doing this..." I whispered to myself as i put on my old, black, baggy hoodie, and some black pants I hadn't worn in almost a year.

I wanted to see lapis. God every second I was near him everything changed. I didn't want to hurt him by not showing up.

Not that I planned on revealing anything... just being there. Maybe letting him catch a glimpse of me in shadows or something... a sneaky note on his side mirror... some kind of sign that his mystery crush was there.

Or... no he didn't say it was a crush. An interest. He wanted to know, but he never said he returned feelings. Not that he could since he didn't know who it was.

Pumpkin was laying lazily on my bed, watching me, and I turned. "Do I look mysterious enough?" She rolled over, looking at me upside down and snorting in disaprovel.

Or... I assume that's what she was doing. She looked unhappy.

"Sorry, but I can't bring you on a stealth mission. You'd probably end up making me and lapis fall on eachother again." I turned to the mirror and blushed at the thought, but rubbed my face.

"Ugh stop it." I kept my hood down, and snuck downstairs, seeing my mom's car was gone. I exited the house and flipped my hood up, before heading towards the hill overlooking town.

It was strange... it was the place me and dream lapis had been when I confessed... sort of confessed. Did my dream self just remember that detail or was it a coincidence?

Doesn't matter.


I finally crouched, letting myself catch my breath bbefore I gulped and approached slowly.

Was that... a guitar?

I stayed behind a tree, listening to the carefully picked notes. No way... lapis brought his guitar. What was he playing?

I creeped closer, just behind a tree on the treeline, as I hear lapis's voice...

"There's no sunshiiiiine,
This impossible year,
Just black days,
And sky grays,
And clouds full of feeeaar.

And storms, filled with sorrow,
That wont dissapear!

Just typhoons and monsoons,
This impossible yeeeeaaar"

I felt myself close my eyes at his surprisingly on pitch singing. And I felt myself blush at him playing such a sad song. Not to mention from my faverite band...

"There's no you and meeeee
This impossible year...
Only heartache, and heartbreak,
And gin made of tears..."

Huh. Well, true.

I shook my head. No time for relating to beautiful songs and lapis's dreamy voice. But...

Wait what am I even supposed to do now... my heart was beating fast in nervousness, and I could see the back of lapis's head. After the first chorus, he sighed. Stopping and patting his guitar.

And like a true, love crazed maniac, I snuck closer, kneeling on the side of his truck, now only a few feet away.

"I'm a fool." I heard him whisper. I felt a little worse. He sounded so hurt... I sat on my knees, as I heard him start strumming again.

I couldn't help but brighten at what he started playing next. "Bittersweet". One of my faverites...

"I'm just setting,
I'm just setting a trap
And I'm not pulling, no
I'm not pulling for you,
you're just pulling at me
I'm not a betting man,
but this is a sure thing."

I closed my eyes and once again listened to him smoothly and surely sing. But then I stopped.

This was perfect. I waited until he took a breath at the chorus, before singing my... quickly altered verse.

"Everything we do is bittersweet,
I will keep this secret, I can never repeat,

And I don't mean to hurt you,
But I'm scared to speeeeaak,

It just feels like I'm pulling teeth,

So bittersweet..."

I faded out. I couldn't see lapis, but he was still strumming. And he cut back in.

"All your love, is gonna burn me up,
Does it keep you warm at night?
Warmer than anyone,
Just think of the days I've had,
But on the other hand,
We're slurring on purpose!

And I think this is worth it..."

I blushed, but I felt so relaxed. He altered his as well, which made me feel warm.

We contenued until we finished the song, blurting out altered words of the song to better fit our scenario. As lapis finished with a sharp strum and silencing the guitar, I realized that if he looked over the side, he would see me.

"You sing well..." he whispered, and I wanted so badly to see if he was smiling as much as I was.

(Although I was also having a mini heart attack but that's beside the point.)

I stayed silent, leaning against his truck and pulling my hood up further.

"I was starting to think you wouldnt..." he seemed to pause, waiting for an answer I was too afraid to give.

Instead, I reached into my pocket and quickly slipped my pre written note over the side. At this point I had planned to run away, but I felt frozen.


Lapis POV.

I guess Peri had been right. It was a guy. And they knew Panic! At the Disco songs.

He wasn't answering, but I could tell he was still there. I could hear light breathing.

I wanted to turn, maybe see who it was... but at the same time I wanted him to choose. He had wanted to stay hinted. I wanted him to make the descicion to show me.

But instead I heard the wrinkling of a paper, and I turned only slightly to see a note. I set my guitar on my other side and picked it up.

I didn't want to dissapoint you. But this won't work. I want to stay invisible. I'm a coward, and a fool.

I am 90% sure you wouldn't be interested in me. Everyday that passes and I see you the more it hurts. The more persistent you get the more in my shelI will go.

I hope you understand...

It said nothing more, besides obviosly the symbol at the bottom. I folded the note in half, looking down.

"How can you know if you don't try? I can't say that I don't like you if I don't know you." I turned my head slightly.

"And although I won't chase you anymore, I'll never stop thinking about it."


Haha 1167 words]

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