Chapter 1: An Assassin and A Mission

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Damn my feet are killing me. Took me months to get to here.

"Well , I better get moving if I want to get my mission done." I mutter to myself. Taking one last look at the statue at Amor Square, gleaming brightly under the hot afternoon sun, I pick up my rucksack and adjusted my coat.

It has been many centuries since the Order has properly established itself in the outside world. Why? To gather information on how everyone is doing, of course. It's been quite some time since the events of the Great Terror, and now that we have finally reorganised and regrouped, we can afford to send Watchers out to establish outposts and do some reconnaissance.

To my surprise, I was given the assignment to operate in Orario, the only city in the world that has a Dungeon, to my knowledge. Before the journey, I gathered as much information about Orario and its customs, but it is mostly about how the Gods came down to the mortal realm to live and mingle with humans.

The Gods, apparently bored with their near-perfect life up in heaven, decided to come down to Earth to live and work alongside the mortals, which is us. But to do so, they left most of their godly powers back in heaven, where it still resides to this day, or so I have heard.

Anyway, the Gods formed their own 'familias', which operate in a clan-like structure, with us mortals to have a closer relationship with them. In exchange for joining their familia, the Gods give their 'children' blessings, known as a God's Grace, which is some sort of power up to help them fight better and stuff like that. 

There are many occupations available to the local populace, the most famous of all is the Adventurer, people who venture into the Dungeon to hunt and kill monsters. Slain monsters drop magic stones. Magic stones are apparently crucial to the local economy, being used in a variety of roles such as catalysing magic spells, enhancing weapons, creating potions or even exchanged for the local currency known as valis, at an administrational building called the Guild.

That's all I know for now, and I got to find out more about this city of I want to establish a foothold.

I lean against a wall, ignoring the heavy foot traffic before me, and wonder what is my next move. To learn more about Orario, I got to go to the place where most information flows through, where knowledgeable people run Orario. A place easily accessible by anyone without garnering suspicion.

That's it, I will go to the Guild. The Guild controls the wealth adventurers receive, so I can start there. I could become an adventurer, that way I can learn the ins and outs of Orario and the Dungeon. Through monitoring where the cash flows the most, I can assess the situation of the city and its inhabitants. Who is important in the city, who should I be looking out for and etc. I could get to learn how people here make a living and what they face on a daily basis. Yeah, it could work, if I play my cards right.

Wiping the sweat of my brow, I pull on my hood down and made my way through the bustling crowd towards the Guild.

On my way to the Guild, I pass by a marketplace, people of all races were selling various items while haggling prices with potential customers. Food, clothing, charms and the sorts, it was all there. The smell of street food mixed with the sweat of the moving crowd filled the air, rendering me slightly nauseous. I quietly excuse myself from any approaching vendors as I was less interested in buying their products. I'm not here to shop, after all. 

I spy the Guild building ahead and quicken my pace when suddenly I heard the crowd behind me grew rowdy. I turn around to find people pointing and shouting at what appears to be a kid covered in... red liquid? He was pushing his way through the crowd, shouting at the top of his lungs while disregarding the strange looks people threw at him as he stained their clothes a bright red.

Is It Wrong For An Assassin To Be In The Dungeon? V1 (Danmachi Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now