Chapter 37: Blood Moon (Part 2)

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A/N: A special holiday gift to all my readers. Merry Christmas everyone.


Gasps of shock and terror escape from the growing crowd as they gather to witness what had unfold. Brother Ignatius, unfazed by the sudden death, decided to push on and head inside.

"Everybody stay back!" He ordered the crowd. "We'll handle this!"

Drawing his Gladius, he signalled for his two subordinates to follow him inside.

"Stay close." Brother Ignatius hissed as the three enter the darkness of the apothecary, searching for any sudden movement, any distinct sound.

As they stumble into the morgue room, they were greeted by a horrific sight.

In the middle of the room, in the middle of all the gore, dirt and dead bodies, lay Dr Haplan's lifeless body, slumped across the corpse on the dissecting table.

"The doctor..." The boy muttered, terror and fear clear in his voice. "He... He..."

"Be careful." Brother Ignatius warned his two subordinates as they approach the corpse. "The vampire could still be here."

The three look around anxiously, peering through the darkness, scanning the darkness, that seemed to jump and move on its own.

"I need to take a closer look at the body." The elf girl said as she got closer to the body. "The body is still bleeding."

Trickles of red blood can be seen escaping from the bite wound on his neck, staining the white cloth draped beneath him.

"Wait, bleeding?!" Brother Ignatius repeated agitatedly. "Flaeyn get back!"

Almost on cue the doctor's body comes back to life, his hands clawed and mouth full of blood. His eyes glowed bloody red with hunger. The fangs within his mouth grew larger and sharper. With a dreadful howl he pounces the shocked Flaeyn, and dragged her down with a yelp.

"AHH!" The elf girl screamed as the doctor races its jaws for her neck. "Help me!"

"Stay away from her!" The boy yelled as he drew his rapier and stabbed him just as its teeth were mere inches from the elf girl.

The doctor, now stabbed through the chest, howls painfully and turns his attention towards the boy. Eyes leering at its new target, the doctor leapt through the air, pouncing on his new target.

The boy, panic now flooding his brain, trips over a small vial and falls on his back. The vampire hisses and prepares to bear down on the young boy until-

"Stay dead!" Brother Ignatius interrupted the doctor's leap as his Gladius connected with the doctor's neck, decapitating him completely.

Blood flies everywhere, covering both the boy and Brother Ignatius in the red stuff. The body limply falls flat within a few feet of the boy, twitching momentarily, before finally settling down. The head rolls away another couple of feet, before finally coasting to a stop. Its eyes still stare deathly at the young boy, although the blood red glow in his eyes have disappeared.

The boy, still panting from this sudden encounter, stumbled onto his feet and wiped the blood off his face. Calming himself down, he proceeded to pull out his rapier from the dead doctor's corpse.

"What... What was that?!" The boy asked frantically. "How... What... Why did the doctor tried to attack us?"

"He's been reanimated." Brother Ignatius sighed. "He's turned."

"T-turned?!" The elf girl, regaining composure, piped in. "What do you mean turned?"

"Look at his body." Brother Ignatius pointed at the doctor's corpse, blood still dripping out of the head wound. "What do you see?"

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