Chapter 33: Pass Parade

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"I think I need you to repeat that again..." Ryuu mutters with a stunned look on her face. "The Freya Familia attacked you?"

"Well, I think they were from the Freya Familia. There were four of them, dressed similarly. In fact they look similar too."

I'm back at the Hostess of Fertility again. Bell decided to organise our first expedition into the middle floors today, and he's really excited. I'm just here to offload what I've learnt from yesterday while its still fresh in my mind. It is noisy, but at least no one could hear us talk.

"Four... similarly dressed attackers?"

"Yeah. Like one of those barbershop quartets, just less singing and more trying to kill you."

"And what weapons did they possess?"

"Erm... Just give me a minute, usually you won't be remembering such things when you're running for your life." I scratch my chin as I ponder on the incident. "One had some kind of warhammer, another had a great sword... And I think the last two was a spear and an axe."

"Spear... Axe... Sword... Hammer..." Ryuu mutters before coming to realisation. "Your attackers, they sound like the Gulliver Brothers."

"Gulliver Brothers?"

"They are a group of four pallum brothers, each of them high-level adventurers, whose loyalty is sworn to Freya and her familia."

"So Freya ordered the hit on me?"

"Hard to say. Anyone in a high position could have been responsible. Maybe Freya had no idea of this at all."

"So it could be Ottar or Freya..."

"Yes." Ryuu says in a matter of fact. "Anyway, how did you dealt with the brothers?"

"So, we clashed for a while. But it was clear I was in a disadvantage. So I broke into the building below me and hid before making my way back to the streets."

"I like how you didn't use the word 'retreat' or 'flee'." Ryuu remarks with a raised eyebrow. "Tell me the truth."

"Hey, it wasn't a retreat, nor fleeing."

"Then what is it?"

"It's called a strategic withdrawal. Totally different than retreating."

"Right. Strategic withdrawal." Ryuu sneers. "Running isn't the only thing you used to escape. They're high level adventurers."

"Well, I did have a little something up my sleeves. Namely purple moth poison. Toss a bit at their faces and they go down squealing."

"Using the poison that nearly killed you against your enemies? Cheeky."

"The best way to test a weapon's effectiveness is to test it on yourself." I sigh, shuddering as I remember how I was too attacked by the very same poison. Imagining it still makes me nauseous.

"But some high level adventurers can be immune to poison, they aren't a force to be messed with." Ryuu advises. "You got lucky with the Guliver Brothers. I suggest you stop prying for the time being."

"That's what I had in mind. They did not see my facial features, so they won't be able to recognise me, but I'll stay away for now."

"Good then. The Freya Familia is the most powerful familia in Orario. I hope you take extra precautions next time."

"Duly noted."

Glancing out the window, I see Bell, frantically waving at me, gesturing for me to exit the tavern.

"Ah, it seems that your captain's here." Ryuu remarks.

"Mm. It's going to be one hell of an expedition."

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