Chapter 12: Orario, The Crooked City

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Dawn breaks. Awakened by the sound of birds chirping, I rise from my slumber and yawn. I could get used to this. Back then on my way here, I had to always sleep with my eyes open, for fear of bandit attacks and kidnappings that are so rampant outside the safe walls of the city. In Orario, it's more peaceful, silent. In the woods any rustling of the leaves or the fluttering of birds is enough to trigger my alert senses. Although, I still can't shake the thought of getting kidnapped again by those rogues. I clashed with many bandits and wretches, but it was the first time I was so close to dying to mercenaries.

Getting out from my sleeping bag, I knelt down, muttering a prayer. Although we Watchers are trained to fight and kill and assassinate, it's good sometimes to have some peace and quiet. Maybe, if we do our job properly, we can have peace once and for all...


"Marcus? It's me, Bell. I'm getting ready to meet Eina-san at Amor Square, you coming or what?"

"Just a minute, Bell. I just woke up." I say as I stretched my back and begin changing my clothes.

"Well hurry up!" Bell yells back. "Can't wait to get new armour and take on the lower levels of the Dungeon!"

I sigh as I as I attach my hand guards and slide my dagger into the dagger holder. For such a young adventurer facing dangerous monsters everyday in the Dungeon, he sure is happy.

I picked up my rapier and give it a strong thrust, piercing the still air. I grin. Time to go to work.


"And that's why I like going to the Dungeons." Bell ends his speech as we rest under the bronze statue's shade at Amor Square. It has been quite a while since I have visited this place. The sights and sounds of the Square mixing and integrating with each other, painting a unique picture to whoever stops by here.

"Interesting story, Bell." I say as I glance at the sun. " By the way, do you think Miss Eina will be late for her appointment with us?"

"It has only been 15 minutes, Marcus. Maybe she had something important to handle before coming here?" Bell reasons.


"Hello there, boys!" Eina says as she approaches us.

"Eh?!" Bell exclaims as he sees a beautifully dressed Eina walk up to us. His face turns beet red. Strange, I thought we were only going out for a shopping trip.

"Good morning, Miss Eina."

"Good morning Marcus. Good morning to you too, Bell! You're both really early, aren't you? Were you looking forward to shopping with me that much?" Eina asks.

"Er... No, I..." Bell stutters.

Eina giggles. "Well, I was actually looking forward to it, too."

Bell blushes and squirms. I merely shrug.

"Hehe, Bell-kun. Don't you have anything to say about my new outfit?"

"Ahh, well... You l-look... a lot younger than usual!" Bell says as his cheeks turn a darker shade of red.

"Hey!" Eina shouts as she grabs Bell in a headlock. "Are you telling me I look old in my work uniform?"

She proceeds to press Bell against her... well... chest. (What in the world...)

"Ahh! Please stop it! Please!" Bell begs Eina as he struggles to release himself from her vice-like grip.

Giggling, Eina let's go of Bell.

"What about you, Marcus? How old do you think I am?" Eina asks, flashing a cheeky glance at me.

Ah yes. The age-old trap. Telling a woman how old she looks. Too old, and she slaps you for thinking she looks old. But, there's a technique to beating this trap. The trick is to shoot low, then  answer in increasing increments. Give a few false answers, then act surprised when she reveals her age.

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