Chapter 4: As Old As Time

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There was a time, before the Gods descended from the clouds to live beside us mortals. A time where Gods were greatly respected and idolized, with elaborate rituals and ceremonies performed to please and appease them. Where prayer and faith was our way to show our love and dedication for them. The Gods would look own on their children, and with pride and joy love them back with tranquil days and fertile fields. A time where Gods inhabited the upper world, or heaven, mortals live in the lower realm, known as earth, and monsters dwell in the under realm, hell.

The mortals would pray, commit rituals, and make sacrifices to Gods, which gives them the necessary power to keep the monsters from the under realm at bay. Through this they prevented the monsters from breaking through the barriers of the under realm and harmed mortals. It was peaceful, quiet, and orderly. Although the cultures and beliefs of man, elf, dwarf and many others differ, the mortals of the lower realm slowly integrated with each other, forming communities. It was a time where everything was harmonious and everyone lived happily.

But it was not to last.

When communities grow and prosper, they expand, forming towns and eventually cities. Then, kingdoms and empires. Despite the Gods have their unwavering might and power, they possess one crucial flaw: a physical body. For they cannot remain on a lower plane of existence lest they discard their heavenly powers for mortal desires. Yet, in their efforts in guiding them, the mortals of the lower realms need to have a physical leader, one they could see and talk to, to be able to work, co-operate and flourish efficiently. Starting off as small villages, they would go on to grow into small kingdoms, some into mighty empires. Kings and queens were installed, or monarchies. Some were good and just, treating their people fairly and equally. However, like a house of cards, these constitutions were fragile and were only held together by the faith of the community in good deed and the Gods. 

Then came tyrants. They would do anything to be the rulers over other people, by any means necessary. These ruthless souls demand one thing and one thing only, absolute power. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, and that corruption can spread uncontrollably like an infectious plague. They would turn into a shell of their former selves, chained by their sinful desires.

A thousand years or so ago, trouble and unrest began to surface in sporadic parts of the lower realm. Kingdoms and empires had expanded to the point where their borders came into contact with other borders. As population rises, so do the demands of resources to maintain it.

Skirmishes broke out among the kingdoms, fighting for the most fertile lands, or precious resources of ores and coal. Some tried, but most did not bother to use peaceful or diplomatic means to resolve their conflicts. As far as many were concerned, it is kill or be killed. These skirmishes escalated into small wars, with the side pouring in more troops and more weapons often coming out on top. It was bad, but it was about to get worse.

The Alderyan Empire, whose empire spanned many thousands of kilometres across the region, was secretly gathering troops and supplies numbering hundreds of thousands strong. Their goal? Complete sovereignty over the numerous kingdoms and their resources of the continent. The Alderyan Empire had to expand its territories in order to keep up with their citizens' demands. Their own lands were reaching breaking point without drastic measures the empire would collapse under its own weight. So, one year, they made their move and, as swift as the wind, their armies marched out of its city gates.

The Great Terror had begun.

Caught completely off guard, the smaller kingdoms by its border stood no chance and fell in a moment's notice. No body of men stood a chance against bearing weight of the invading Alderyans. Citizens were slaughtered and enslaved by soldiers that stormed their cities, churches and temples looted of their relics, the lands conquered and absorbed into the Alderyan Empire's territory. It was the start of what became known to many of the Gods as The Great Terror.

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