Chapter 29: New Day

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Sitting by a warm fire in my warehouse, I carefully try to piece together my broken rapier. By slowly rearrange the pieces together, I wonder if could try to fix it or-

"Ah!" I yelp after pricking my finger for the fifth time. "Goddammit."

Cursing under my breath, I watch as a small trickle of blood leaks out from the wound. Wrapping some more cloth around the wound, I sigh and sit glumly on my wooden chair. 

It has been a few days since we escaped death from the hands of the Minotaur, thanks to Bell and the Loki Familia. Bell's recovering nicely, so are Lili and I too. Whatever healing magic Riveria has must be powerful, I suppose.

I look back to check on my rapier, which was broken by the Minotaur during our brief clash. Shattered, absolutely obliterated. Just by looking at the damage done to my weapon just my mouth feel sour. My rapier, my first proper weapon received from the Order, shattered, gone. Reduced to smithereens.

I feel my eyes getting wet so I blinked hard and sniff. Relax man, it's okay. My rapier's gone, but at least I still have my bow-

Oh... right.

I sink further into my arm as I feel a hard lump form in my throat. I lost most of my weapons, nearly had myself killed, and all of that trouble ended with nothing worthwhile. God, it's just so hard to make a living in this city. Is this what these citizens have to face every single day? I'm starting to think I should move away, or get a less dangerous job like a bandit hunter or something.


Hmm? Someone's at the door.

Wiping my eyes, I open the door to see Bell, his face all bright at me and happy.

"Hey Marcus!" Bell chirps. Well, he appears awfully delighted. Seems like his wounds also healed up nicely too. 

"Hey, Bell..."

"Umm... Is... everything alright in there?" Bell asks worryingly.

"No no. It's just..."

"Ah. It's about your rapier, isn't it?"

I nod sadly.

"It's okay." Bell says as pats me on the back. "I'm pretty sure it just fractured and a bit worn out. Probably nothing much."

"Does this look like 'nothing much' to you?" I ask as I show him my rapier.

"Oh... That's a lot of damage."

"Yeah. Never thought it would break so fast either. I was sure it was made with good workmanship." I sigh as I keep the fragments of my rapier into a small pouch. "I guess it wasn't good enough."

"Come on now. Cheer up!" Bell says with a cheeky tone in his voice. "We're going to the Tower of Babel!"

"Hmm? Why?"

"To get you a new weapon." Bell says. "What's wrong?"

"It's just that... My rapier. I... was given the responsibility to take care of it. Use it properly, but now..."

"Hey hey hey. Don't be glum. Look on the bright side. You get to try a new weapon. Get out of your comfort zone, perhaps."

I sigh and stood up, patting the dirt and dust that has settled on my coat from days of inactivity. Bell's right, I have to stop moaning about my loss and should instead try to recover from it. Grumbling about it won't do any good. I'll just have to find another day to mourn my loss I guess.

But still, it's easier said than done. My rapier's been with me for since I was a child. I feel bad just leaving it to rust like this...

"Okay Bell." I reluctantly mutter as I straighten my shoulders and pull the hood over my head. "Lead the way."

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