Chapter 30: Bold and Brave

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In the abandoned church, I fumble around with my new hand balista, fixing in a new gear while pondering of ways to use it. Meanwhile, Bell was busy sweeping the floor, daydreaming of the title he would soon receive from the Gods.

"Hey, Marcus." Bell says as he interrupts my thoughts. "What do you think my new title should be?"

"I dunno. Why do you ask?"

"I was thinking of getting some good armour to go with my new title. So, what do you think my title would be?"

"That would be up to Hestia and the Gods to decide." I sigh. "But if I were to give you a title..."

"Yeah? What would it be?" Bell asks eagerly as I pause to contemplate for the moment.

"I would say... something like... Fire Rabbit."

Bell's eyes light up. "Aw... really?"


"What?" Bell inquires disappointingly. "But that sounds so cool!"

"Because Bell, to me titles don't mean anything." I explain.  "Who cares if you're called 'King of this' or 'Champion of that'? The Dungeon doesn't seem to matter, and its monsters still see you as food."

"Well that's what you think." Bell says with a huff. "I think titles are cool! I was thinking like 'Fire Blizzard', or 'Tornado Typhoon' or maybe..."

"Maybe what, Bell?"

"Burning Fighting Fighter!" He says excitedly while striking a wild pose.

"That sounds... really, really dumb."

"Yeah... I guess so." Bell chuckles before lying down on the couch, turning his attention to his armour, stashed neatly in a box by the sofa.

"This armour's really good stuff." He says as he picks up his chest plate. "It was light and easy to move in."

"If you like it so much, why don't you look for the guy who made it?"

"Well..." He says as he inspects his chest plate. "Apparently it was made by a Welf Crozzo, according to these initials carved here."

Welf Crozzo? Hmm... Why does that name sound familiar?

"Bell-kun! Bell-kun!" Hestia shouts as she runs down the staircase, nearly tripping over in the process.

"Huh? Oh, Kami-sama, you're back."

"Hello there Goddess Hestia."

"You're going to love it!" Hestia says, panting from the running just now. "I did it! I got something normal!"

"Er... Normal?" Bell asks confusingly.

"Yeah! Normal! You'll like it!" Hestia grins as she gives Bell a big thumbs up.

I look at Bell, whose jaws are wide open from disappointment.

Oh boy.


"So, 'Little Rookie'?" Lili asks as she looks at Bell, completely dazed. "That's your new title?"

"Apparently. Goddess Hestia wants something 'normal' for Bell." I reply.

"Whaddaya think about it, Lili..." Bell asks glumly, his head on the table.

"I... er... I guess it's... normal?"

"Exactly..." Bell groans. "My Goddess said it was 'nice and normal' but..."

"Honestly, it sucks." I said bluntly. "It sounds like you're some 9 year old learning how to wield a sword for the first time in his life."

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