Chapter 6: Monsterphillia

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A few days had past since that fiasco at the pub. I still have much work to do if I want to set up a permanent base for future operations in Orario, but I had been working on my living standards in the city for the past few days, trying to make the best of things.

I have been regularly visiting the Dungeon first thing in the morning to get as much loot from the Dungeon before other adventurers arrive. I can then use the money to conduct my daily activities. Now that I had a taste of what it is like to be in The Dungeon, I have change my fighting tactics to adapted to the Dungeon.

It is rare for adventurers, or even supporters, to use bows in the Dungeon. But I have found a way to utilise a bow's long range and my stealth to my advantage. Many monsters in the Dungeon are attracted to sound. Specific sounds mind you, so simply tossing a stone doesn't warrant any response from them. But, the ricocheting of an arrowhead against the Dungeon floor seems to arouse enough attention for them to gather. So, through utilising vantage points, I'd lure them out into the open before taking them out with my bow, and finishing the remnants with my blade. Through this, I was able to avoid one to many skirmishes where I would be outnumbered by the many enemies prowling the Dungeon.

I often clear up the floors that Eina assigned to me with ease and often think of going down a level or two. But then I would think about the incident of my first dungeon run. How the monsters can suddenly overpower and take me down in a flash. I would shudder and just return to the surface. No thanks, I think I'll do fine for now.

Afterwards, I would explore Orario, examining every nook and cranny of the city and its streets. Because of its massive size, mapping the city of Orario is a tiresome job, but it has to be done. Maze-like streets, alleyways squeezed between buildings seem to reveal themselves everywhere I look.  So far I have mapped about 3% of the city, and that's only the surface of the city. The city's extensive underground sewer system is another headache I'll have to deal with at another time. It might be troublesome for me now, but it would prove useful for me to navigate my way around the streets, or if other Watchers were sent to Orario in the future.

I also started to improve the conditions of my shelter too. Using  building materials lying around, I managed to repair many holes and leaks of the building.  Not only that, I also constructed some crude makeshift furniture, a rather wobbly table and accompanying chair, a bedframe and a proper fireplace for warmth and cooking.

All in all, it is a relatively simple start for me. But, I still feel uneasy with the boy and his goddess living close to me. I hope they don't find my shelter. Or any other problems that may arise from that boy, considering the incident at the tavern.

Observing his actions, he appears to leave the church just as I would wake up. He would run off into the streets and just vanish. I have looked for him all over Orario, in the Guild, the streets, the shops but to no avail. I even went back to the Hostess of Fertility to see if he stopped by, the waitress Ryuu said he returned to pay for his dinner, but other than that no one has seen him since. Then, he would return to the church in the middle of the night, bleeding and bruised. What did he do?

Well, whatever he's done, I have other problems to worry about today, because today is Monsterphillia.

Monsterphillia, or Monster Feria, is known as the Festival of Monsters. It is an annual fair in which the people of Orario celebrate the Dungeon and its monsters, since much of the city lives off the valuable resources it provides. They would party, feast and watch members of the Ganesha Familia, another big familia in Orario, try to kill and slaughter tamed monsters captured from the Dungeon in a big arena known as the Colosseum for the entire day.

I find it a bit weird that the people of Orario celebrate the Dungeon by bringing its monsters to the surface to be slaughtered in front of thousands of screaming people. It kind of defeats the purpose of celebrating the Dungeon in the first place. It also reminds me of the time I was sent alongside a handful of other Watchers to eradicate a pagan cult. They too sacrifice wild animals, but they did it in the name of some eldritch blood god, and something about chaos, which clearly a heretical practice. Considering Orario celebrates the festival alongside the Gods who don't seem to mind too much, I suppose it's okay.

Is It Wrong For An Assassin To Be In The Dungeon? V1 (Danmachi Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now