(Extra) Original Character Bio:

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Also before you do answer the questionnaire, here's a little extra information on Marcus Braeker. This is the actual base I used to create his character at the start, now updated with the latest information according to the story. Thought you might want to read it. Cheers.

Personal Information:

Marcus Braeker
(No known alias or title yet)

18 (Current)
15 (Blood Moon Chapter)
12 (Wolf Hunt Chapter)



• Brown colour
• Short and slightly messy

• Brown colour (Same as hair)
• Tired eyes (Not visible due to hood)

172 cm (Around 5'7")

65kg (Around 143 lbs)

Professional Status:
Order of Watchers, New Temple of High Wills (Current)
Hestia Familia (Current)

•Spy / Assassin (Watchers)
•Scout (Watchers)
•Adventurer (Hestia Familia)



STATUS: (Known So Far)
•Strength: H 192
•Endurance: H 108
•Dexterity: G 271
•Agility: F 393
•Magic: I 84
•Abnormal Resistance: I

Personal Status:

(Unknown, Deceased)
(Unknown, Deceased)
•Brother Ignatius
(Adoptive Father, Deceased)

Skills, Magic and Equipment:
•Huntsman's Prayer
When using ranged weapons, user's range and accuracy increases slightly.

User's agility increases. Can jump higher and leap further.
Footsteps make no sound when moving without injury.

•Wolf Pack
Strength in numbers. User's strength and endurance increases when fighting together with allies.

•Blackwind (Non Chant Magic)
Allows the user to teleport within a short radius from the user's original location when not bound or immobilized. May or may not have unwanted side effects when used.

•Watcher's Long Dagger (Received from Brother Ignatius)
•Watcher's Rapier (Under Repair)
•Watcher's Bow (Destroyed)
•Sturdy Backsword (From Goibniu)
•Hidden Flying Dagger (Modified Hand Balista from Goibniu)

•Watcher Armour-
A simple set of armor, made from a mixture of leather armor and plate armor from Watchers. Allows easy maneuverability due to its light weight while giving sufficient protection from 'soft' attacks. However, the armor is modified based on the wearer's taste and preferences. For instance, Marcus replaced and repaired many damaged parts of his armor with new parts bought from the Market or made by Welf Crozzo.

•Watcher Coat-
Made of grey wolf skin from wolves of Wolfbane Forest, these specially made hides are excellent at absorbing blunt damage and for stealthy movements. They are particularly weak to fire damage, however.

•Salamander Wool-
A red cloak given by Bell, it seemingly has powers of a Salamander, providing increased protection against fire-based attacks. Mostly damaged in the fight against the Black Goliath, though Marcus has managed to salvaged a bit of it. (Again, how does a Salamander have wool? We'll never know).

Pros and Cons:
+ Stealthy, Agile
+ Knows first aid and human anatomy
+ Keen nose and ears
+ Cunning, Intelligent
+ Fairly good archer and swordsman
+ Knows basic carpentry, map-making
+ Self sustaining, survivalist
+ Polite to others when needed
+ Loyal to his cause
- Hunter, not a brawler
- Weak endurance
- Weak against monsters
- Calculative, deceptive
- Slightly introvert
- Logic over emotion (Sorry Lili...)
- Strict with rules
- Weak against fire-based attacks

Overall Look:
Honestly, I can't bring myself to draw what he looks like. Not only I'm terrible at art, I don't really have the passion to draw. I gave you the details of his looks. Draw him yourself if you want. I don't mind, use your imagination, just don't go overboard.

But if his looks were to be described in one word it would be: Average.

Basically a section of information about the fan fiction that you could have missed.

• Marcus' Name Origin:
Marcus- Ancient Roman pre-Catholic name derived from Etruscan word "mar" which means 'to harvest'.
Braeker- A surname I randomly thought of while day dreaming. There's no deep meaning behind it. Seriously. Stop overthinking.

• Concurrently, it is estimated he has mapped around 45% of Orario. His efforts to map the city of Orario stopped around the time Lili joined the familia due to lack of time. There are plans for him to continue but he remains skeptical there will be any free time in the future.

• His strict attitude of following the rules came from being under the Order of the Temple for most of his life, until he met Lili, which made him grow lenient from then on.

• Marcus is very sensitive to other people touching him, considering his upbringing in the Order of the Temple, but has eventually come to terms to allow Hestia to perform God's Grace.

•Despite a few references to Assassin's Creed, Marcus' Temple of High Wills has no relation to the Assassin Brotherhood. The two are completely different entities.

•Throughout his brief time in Orario, Marcus has killed 10 people, all of whom are likely to be associated with the Crime Guild.

• Despite promising to help pay off his Familia's debt, Marcus has yet to pay a single valis to Hestia. Not like he wants to though, Hestia will most likely spend it on dresses and perfume.

• Marcus find it weird that Hestia has a floating string around her chest that seems to go against the laws of gravity (Then again, God powers).

• He may or may not have feelings to Ryuu Lion that are more than 'just friends'. He just doesn't understands them (Yeah, dense as a brick).

• Despite being weak against fire, Marcus still uses fire attacks (Fire Flask).

• Ever since the tavern was smashed due to the 'incident' with some drunk customers, Marcus is always under the watchful eyes of Mia Grand in case something goes astray.

• Marcus' quest to expose and hunt down the rest of the Crime Guild continues, but there are bigger things at play here...

• It is most likely Marcus knew first aid due to a promise made to Flaeyn Aurea before coming to Orario.

• Brother Ignatius' death has let to Marcus developing a quiet and socially dead attitude, but he has recovered slightly after he met Bell and Hestia, and later, Ryuu, Lili and Welf.

• Marcus still doesn't like Bete (Asshole Bete!).

• The raven, a large heavily built crow with mainly black plumage, is said to be an omen of bad luck in Greek culture, yet it is also said to represent insight, spiritual guidance and serve as messengers for the Greek Gods in the mortal world.

• All Watcher names were based on the names of real saints (Ignatius, Peter, Reynaud, Raul, Genevieve etc).

•If Marcus had a theme song, it would be 'Little Legend' by NikAudio. Copy the link and pasting it into Google Search can bring you to the song. Check it out if you want, I personally think it reflects Marcus' personality.



Do you think Marcus is well balanced, or is he a Gary Stu (Male version of Mary Sue)?

That is all. The next page will feature a short questionnaire. Please answer truthfully.

Published On:
1 March 2019

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