Chapter 28: Wolf Hunt

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The boy stared at the moon as sat under the illuminated night sky. Full and bright, mysterious as well as revealing. The boy wonders, will humans ever set foot on that celestial object in the sky? Will humans be able to finally reach out and go to places only Gods go? Could-

"Ah, there you are Marcus." A hooded man arrived at the scene, snapping the boy out of his thoughts.

"B-Brother Ignatius." The boy replied nervously. "I was just-"

"Admiring the moon?" The hooded man chuckled as he removed his hood, revealing a gentle face, marred with wrinkles and a long, faded scar down his left eye. "They say the Goddess Artemis watches us from above, her gracing moonlight bathing us in her blessing."

Ignatius, the man whom brought this child another chance at life, whom brought him away from a life of scum and villainy, took a seat beside the boy and sighed.

"It's a full moon." Ignatius pointed out. The boy nodded in agreement.

"It will only make the task harder." The boy croaked. "Why did they chose it anyway?"

"The Gods love a good challenge." Ignatius laid back as he ruffled his fingers through his greying hair. "But to be honest, I don't have any say on what the initiation task is. It all falls down to the decision of the High Council."

"The High Council?" The boy asked. "But I thought the Grand Master was in charge of everything."

"He is." Ignatius replied. "Think of him as... the head of the High Council. The High Council are his advisers, and he is the commander."

"Then why the task?"

"To prove your dedication to the Order. To become a Watcher. It's a hard task, with the full moon tonight."

"They just make everything hard for us..." The boy sighed.

Ignatius chuckled. "Well, when the going gets tough, the tough get going."

There was a faint chime in the distance as the church bells rang thrice, each time more louder than the next. The boy shivered as the sounds reached his ears.

"Ah, initiation's beginning." Ignatius muttered. "Better hurry up before they leave without you."

The boy stood up shivering, his knees weak, arms heavy.

"Nervous?" Ignatius asked. The boy swallowed hard and nodded.

He chuckled once more. "That's what they all say. And they all lament how easy it was before."

The boy felt the perspiration gathering on his forehead, although it was terribly chilly that night.

"How did your initiation go?" He asked.

"Well... that will be a story for another time, if you come back." Ignatius replied.

The boy gritted his teeth and exhaled deeply. It is time he proved worthy to join the ranks of of his superior. The best of the best. The Order of the Temple's elite.

The Watchers.

"Good luck out there." Ignatius said as he turned back to the moon. "May the Gods be pleased with you..."

And with this final blessing, the boy departed from his company.

As the boy makes his way to the church, he reconsiders the choices he has made for the past few years he has spent under the guidance of Brother Ignatius. To live frugally, the only purpose is to be the messenger of the Gods, their voices, their eyes and ears, and their wrath. All the training, all the hard work, has come down to this very moment.

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