Chapter 25: Minotaur

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"Hold on!" I yell worryingly as I make a mad dash back to the chamber that Bell and Lili were in. They are in trouble. BIG trouble, and if I don't hurry, they... they'll...

I run all the way back to the chamber but what I saw stopped me dead in my tracks. I grit my teeth and draw my rapier out.

The monster, no... That demon... is a Minotaur?

But wait a minute, this Minotaur looks different. It's slightly larger and more red than other minotaurs, according to the books at the Guild. And it's weapon... that's unusual. It's suppose to be a stone sword. Yet, why is it wielding a great sword? How did it get that sword?

The sword is nearly as big as a human, with rusty red blood covered all over it. A long, jagged, rusty great sword, a true fright to any who dares face it. The sound of grinding as the Red Minotaur drags it along the Dungeon floor, leaving behind a small trail drawn on the ground.

That...that thing... It's the killer. It killed, massacred... Canoe and his pals. And now...

It's coming for us.

Bell and Lili, seeing the Minotaur suddenly appear behind them, are stunned speechless. Shocked to the point that they they froze on the spot, terrified of the monstrosity that has presented itself to them.

The red Minotaur, with a huff, looks at Bell, who, although has already drawn his dagger, is trembling. I can't blame him. Before we first met he was nearly killed by a Minotaur, so it must be terrifying for him to face a Minotaur, and a more powerful one this time as well.

"Bell, get out of the way!" I yell at him, but he doesn't snap out of his trance. He whimpers, his hands trembling and his eyes go ghostly white, as the Red Minotaur roars and raised its sword of death.

"Watch out!" Lili throws herself onto Bell and pushes him out of the way, just as the sword lands on the ground, sending great chunks of rock and stone flying in a multitude of directions rocking the ground beneath my feet.

Bell, finally snapping out of his thoughts, look at Lili, only to find that she has been knocked out by a glancing blow from the rock shrapnel. Blood seeps down her head like a stream.

"Lili? Lili wake up! Answer me!" Bell frantically cries, shaking her body vigorously, but to no avail. The smell of blood and Bell's shouting incites the Minotaur, and with a ear piercing grunt it charges at them once more.

My mind goes into overdrive. This is something we are not prepared for, none of us could take this beast head on, let alone just me and Bell. But with Lili incapacitated and Bell's fear of Minotaurs, I did the only rational thing for this dire situation.

"Leave them alone!" I yell at the Minotaur as I pull out my bow and unleash an arrow at the Minotaur's head. But instead, it glanced off its skull, landing in the rock face nearby.

The Minotaur, assuming that I was a more viable threat, stops in its tracks and turns around to face me, its hooves digging into the dirt as it eyes me.

"That's right, come to me." I purr nervously. "Come closer so I can snap your horns off."

With another ferocious roar, the Minotaur wields its great sword high in the air and charges.

Swift on my feet, I duck under the Minotaur's blade as I fire another arrow at point blank range. Yet, the arrow bounces off its thick hide like a toothpick to a chest plate.

The momentum of the Minotaur charging send it crashing into the walls of the opposite side of the chamber we are in. Seeing the Minotaur stunned, I turn my attention to Bell.

"Bell! I yell. "Get Lili out of here! Now!"

"W-what?" He responded shakily.

"She's injured! Take her to a safe spot and get her bandaged up!"

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