Chapter 39: Familia of the Far East

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"Bell-kun!" Goddess Hestia squeals as she pounces on him, bringing him close to her chest before squeezing the life out of him. "Bell-kun! Bell-kun!"

"Kami-sama..." Bell barely mutters as Goddess Hestia's hug grows tighter and tighter, small droplets of tears forming under her eyes.

"Bell-kun..." She mutters as she gets up and starts touching his face. "Is... Is it really you?"

"Yup... It's me..." Bell replies softly.

"I'm... I'm so glad." Goddess Hestia starts to cry a little, the tears starting to slide down her cheeks. "It's you..."

"I... Kami-sama..." Bell stammers as her tears fall onto his shirt. "I... I'm sorry for making you worry."

Goddess Hestia smiles, wiping the tears from her face. She was about to hug Bell again when suddenly Lili interupts, pulling Goddess Hestia off Bell.

"Alright alright. That's enough Hestia-sama!" Lili yanks Goddess Hestia off Bell forcefully as she tries with every bit of her strength to cling onto Bell.

"Hey! Stop ringing my emotional reunion scene!" Goddess Hestia retorts angrily and pinches Lili's cheeks.

Pfft. Yeah, reunion. Pretty sure Goddess Hestia was about to kiss Bell full on the lips. Heck, I was standing there watching them the whole time and she didn't even acknowledge my presence.

"Bell-sama got hurt protecting us from the Dungeon! He needs to rest!" Lili fight back by pinching Hestia's cheeks as well.

"W-well... Not as much as Marcus though... " Bell tries to break up the fight, only to be drowned in the endless bickering of Hestia and was forced to withdraw.

The commotion slowly drew a lot of attention, as Welf and the other members of the Loki Familia arrive.

"Pfft. I'm his Goddess. I know how to heal him!" Hestia gloats as they both release their grip on each other's cheeks, now swollen red like apples.

Healing. Pretty sure you meant something else, Goddess Hestia.

"Why is it so loud here?" Ais asks me as she approaches us.

"Wh- wh- Wallenwhatsit?! What are you doing here?!" Hestia asks nervously as she pointed at the girl. "What are you here?! Why are you with my Bell?!"

Okay. So now Hestia owns Bell.

Hestia continues to argue and complain with Lili and Ais, while the rest of us just stood by watching the drama unfold, until somebody called my name.

"Marcus. I see you are safe and well."

I turn to the origin of the sound, which appears to be a young female in a green hood approaching from the entrance of the 18th floor. But that voice...


"Shh..." Ryuu shushes me silently as she puts a finger to her lips as she nodded to two other figures approaching from the entrance.

One is a young man with blonde hair and orange eyes, his head topped with a hat with a raven's feather. The other is a young woman with aqua blue hair and cyan colored eyes. A pair of glasses rest between her eyes.

"So, you're the one they call Bell Cranel?" The young man with the hat asks.

"Yes, that's me."

"Ah. So you're it, huh? I've been looking forward to meeting you!" The young man smiled. "My name is Hermes. Nice to meet you."

Wait, Hermes? As in Hermes the Messenger of Gods? That's him? Wow. I can't believe I'm seeing him face to face. We Watchers worship Hermes, like a lot. I mean, all Gods are important, but Hermes is a major God among the Watchers. Agility, shrewdness and being cunning are all aspects Hermes teaches to us. Hell, even the raven was an animal Hermes bestowed upon us many eons ago as a messenger for the Order of the Temple when he arrived on Earth. Why do you think he's wearing a raven feather on his hat?

Is It Wrong For An Assassin To Be In The Dungeon? V1 (Danmachi Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now