Chapter 14: Odd Jobs

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"WHO D-DOES THAT GIRL THINK S-SHE IS?! T-TAKING AWAY MY B-BELL!" Goddess Hestia yells as she gulps down another mouthful of beer.

"Now now, Hestia. Bell doesn't belong to anyone." The person sitting to her opposite comforts her as he chews on a bread stick.

"Goddess Hestia? What happen?" I quickly rush to her side. "Why are you crying? What's going on?"

Hestia, noticing my presence, pulls me closer and weeps into my coat.

"OH MARCUS, B-BELL, HE'S BEEN WHISKED AWAY! S-STOLEN! KIDNAPPED BY S-SOME BLONDE BIMBO! WAHHH!!!!" She cries as she blows her nose on my coat.

Eugh! What in Zeus' beard?! I'm not a walking handkerchief! I pull myself away from her and hand her a small parchment to wipe her nose, while wiping away the snot stains on my coat as well. I then look at her partner sitting across the table. It's God Miach, the God that recommended the Tower of Babel to me.

"Hello there, adventurer. It's nice to finally see you again." He says with a calm smile, disregarding the bawling goddess right beside him.

"Greetings, Divine Miach. Say, do you mind telling me what's going on with..." I point at Goddess Hestia.

"Well, you see, Hestia is thinking that Bell is cheating on h-"

"I DON'T THINK! I KNOW! I KNOW HE'S CHEATING!" Goddess Hestia cuts in before slumping back onto the table, crying into her beer mug.

"Well, dear little Hestia here saw Bell go out with a girl and simply presumed that Bell is cheating her." Divine Miach finishes his sentence as he reaches out for another bread stick. "By the way, are you her new member? You seem quite concerned about her well being."

"Yes, I'm Marcus, a new member of the Hestia Familia."

"Ah, Marcus. Congratulations then. You should be proud."

I put my hand to my forehead and sigh. "Am I suppose to be proud of this?" I say, pointing at a completely wasted Hestia.


"Good point."

"Bell-kun, p-pleash don't leave meee!" Goddess Hestia reaches out for another mug of beer, before collapsing onto the table. "I... I love you..." She mumbles before passing out from drinking too much.

Miach and I stare at the passed out goddess with awkward silence.

"Well then, I suppose we can conclude our night here." Miach says as he reaches for his wallet. "Marcus, would you kindly take Hestia back to her place? I'll handle the bill."

"I'd assume Goddess Hestia to have drank her fair share. At least allow me to pay half of the tab."

"It's alright. I was the one that suggested we head out to have a little drink, after all. I just didn't expect her to drink that much. Should have anticipated that when she said she wanted to talk about 'boy problems'."

"Thank you, Divine Miach." I said as I bow to him.

"You remind me of Bell, polite and kind. Hestia here must have a good eye for young adventurers. Now, run along. It's almost three."

"Come on, Goddess Hestia, time to go home." I say as I lift her small yet heavy body up from her chair and begin to drag her home.

Ugh, she reeks of beer and sadness.


"Two health potions, two flash bangs and three sets of bandages. That would be 4300 valis." The shopkeeper says. I'm at a utility shop near the ruins of the temple. I came to restock my supplies before heading back into the Dungeon.

Is It Wrong For An Assassin To Be In The Dungeon? V1 (Danmachi Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now