Chapter 15: Tavern Brawl

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"Where. Is. My. Goddamn. Beer?!" A voice bellows. I look behind my shoulder only to find a very drunken adventurer. He's snarling at me. I peek behind him and see his table is piled up high with empty beer mugs. His two other friends are sitting there, stoned.

"I want my goddamn beer and I want it now!" The drunkard slammed his palm onto the table, the beer mugs gently rattling from the impact. "You said you would get me more beer!"

Bete, seeing the commotion, grins.

I look at Ryuu confusingly. She casually shrugs her shoulders. "I said that I WON'T be giving you and your friends any more beer. The amount of alcohol your party drank was enough to serve 10 adventurers. We have other customers to serve, not just you."

"If you won't get me any beer..." The drunkard mumbles under his breath before glaring at me. "You there! Get me more beer!"

"Me? Why?"

"As a Level 3 adventurer, I order you to get me more beer." He says drowsily, brandishing his sword hung at his waist.

"But I can't, I-"

"You either get me more beer, or me and the boys will tear you limb by limb, rip off your head and shit down your throat." He continues, as his friends, arising from their drunken slumber, goad him on.

By the Gods, why put me in this perilous position? I look at Ryuu and she shakes her head, mouthing 'no'.

"No, I can't get you any more beer, sir. Please calm down, or I will have to ask you to leave now."

The drunkard looks at me and laughs. "Look at this guy, a fucking waiter and he thinks he can boss me around?" He proceeds to shoves me in the shoulder.

"Come on then, kick me out. You think you can boss me and my boys around? Go on, do something. Nothing but a measly waiter, destined for nothing but to serve us adventurers. Anything to say, eh?"

"Sir, please. Miss Mia won't le-"

"Damn that crusty old witch. I'm talking to you, boy." He shoves me again. "Hit me if you think you can beat me. We'll see who's left standing."

The tavern has gone awfully quiet. Everyone observing the scene unfolding before them. I glance at Syr, who takes off into the streets, probably looking for Miss Mia.

"Sir, I won't hit you."

He laughs loudly. "You hear that? He tries to order people around, but can't have the heart to hit somebody! Maybe I should give you some purpose." He proceeds to spit at me, his saliva hitting me squarely on the apron. Some occupants of the bar snicker, but most kept their mouth shut and watch on.

I bunch my fist up tightly. I really want to punch him, break his nose probably, maybe take him out to the back of the tavern and behead him. But no, not now. I must control myself. I slowly relax my fists...

"I'm still not getting you your beer, though." I mumble under my breath as I wipe away his spit with a tablecloth.

"What was that, coward? Say it louder. I can't hear you." He puts his ear closer to my face.

"I said I won't be getting you any beer."

"Oh really?" The drunkard cracks his knuckles and reaches for his sword. "Somebody's ought to teach you some manners."

He grunts as lifts his sword. "You're dying tonight!" He slashes one of the tables beside him, startling most people in the pub, except the Loki Familia. Some adventurers begin to pack their stuff and exit the pub, while others begin to move to the side of the tavern, clearly aware of what is going down.

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