Chapter 7: Silverback Duel

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The boy winces against the Silverback. It towers over him, and prepares to strike him with its mighty palm, ending the young boy's life. He cowers into a corner. Closing his eyes, he grits his teeth, fearful of his inevitable death.

An arrow, long and pointed, sped but erred in flight. It strikes the Silverback, burrowing deep into the thick fur around the Silverback's neck, causing little to no damage at all. The Silverback is angered nonetheless. It howls loudly, spinning around to find the one whom shot that arrow.

A lone hooded figure stands before the mighty beast. In his hand a wooden longbow and by his side a rapier. He is determined to stop this rampaging Silverback, here and now.

That person is me, and I shall fight this beast.

The Silverback looks at me with it's glowing red eyes. It appears to be shocked that such a small man would take on this beast in the first place. It rears up, pounding its chest violently as it howls into the sky. Bell is shocked too, but glad that he escaped death for the moment. Then, I hear footsteps behind me.

"Bell-kun!" A young voice shouts. I look behind to see who it was.

It is the boy's goddess, the young short girl with her very large *ahem* breasts.

"Why did you come back?!" The boy yells back. He seems very distraught at the presence of his goddess. The goddess smiles back, however, unaware of the dangerous situation she just placed herself in.

Almost immediately, the Silverback turns its attention towards the little goddess. With a deafening roar, it charges her.

"Not on my watch!" I thought as I draw my rapier. I run towards the charging beast, ducking under its large arms as its chains scrape the floor, sending sparks flying. Outmaneuvering the lumbering monkey, I manage to get underneath the beast and stab my rapier into its thighs. The rapier didn't penetrate deeply into the Silverback's leg, so I pull it out and slashed its heel. This causes the Silverback's knees to buckle and it collapses onto one knee, roaring in pain.

"Get out of here!" I yell at the boy and his goddess as they attempted to get their bearings. "I will keep the beast distracted, you two go get help!"

Bell, taking a moment to calm himself, stares at me as if I'm insane. But then he realises the desperation of the situation. No other adventurers at in the vicinity and it will take a while before any of them can respond. He nods before grabbing his goddess's hand and proceeds to flee down a narrow alleyway, disappearing without a trace.

I turn around to find the beast recovering from his fall. He eyes me furiously, his fists pounding the hammering. It's angry, and it wants to kill. I grip my rapier closer to me. A fight to the death, I see. Not to worry, for surely help is on the way. I just have to hold on for a while until reinforcements can reach me.

With a thunderous bellow, it swings the chains on its hands like whips and strikes at me. I dodge to the side, barely avoiding the chains. I back off, keeping outside of the Silverback's attacking range. The area where I'm fighting is not spacious, it is too small for open combat against a big monster. I pull out my bow, nock an arrow and let loose.

But to my displeasure, the chains and the leash on the Silverback is bouncing off my arrows like toothpicks and is protecting its vital parts, specifically the head and neck. Not only that, any arrows that can get penetrates the Silverback's defences only gets stuck in its dense fur. I can't always outmaneuver it, given the area is too small for me to move around efficiently. Keeping my distance distracting it with arrows is the way to go, but this isn't a sustainable strategy. I need a new plan and a new battleground, fast.

Quickly recalling my earlier stroll, I remember the streets I have passed by and try to find for a suitable area for combat. But it's quite hard concentrating when a giant Silverback monster is trying to kill you. Dodging and evading its attacks, I fire more arrows at the beast to try to distract it and make it keep its distance, but the arrows only anger it more.

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