Chapter 43: Black Goliath

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"W-what the hell is that?!"

The sky was engulfed with darkness as madness and terror descended down upon all those present. Dungeon creatures of all shapes and sizes, armed with both tooth and claw, emerge from what dark corners of the Dungeon they hid. Their eyes glow blood red with hunger, as they prey on the undefended adventurers around them.

The Black Goliath looks down upon us like an angel of death, wheezing heavily as it looks around its new hunting territory, as below his feet dozens of helpless adventurers scurry around to safety like ants.

"What's... going on..." Welf stutters, his eyes white with fear.

"The Dungeon... It hates us." Hestia says with a tinge of uncertainty. "It has sensed us..."

"But all this..." Bell muttered. "It wants to kill us..."

Screams echoed from the field below us. Several adventurers are fighting. But they are outnumbered and surrounded. The monsters close in by the second, awaiting their next meal.

Death awaits them.

"We got to save them!" Bell shouts as he heads down the cliff towards the entrapped adventurers.

"Wait." Ryuu says, stopping Bell in his tracks. "Are you sure you are really going to save them? With this party?"

Bell looks at us, me, Lili, Welf, the Takemikazuchi Familia and Ryuu. His eyes start to fill with doubt, with uncertainty. His hands tremble and he swallows hard.


"Of course we will!"

They all look at me, weapon drawn, my face steeled with resolution.

"But Marcus..." Bell quivers. "We are too weak..."

"Weak? Weak?! What has happened to Bell I knew?" I looked at him with firm eyes as I grasped his shirt collar, to the shock of the teammates around us.

"You were a leader, Bell. A leader of a weak familia, but a leader nonetheless."

"Our familia..."

"I have spent a long time with you, I seen you done things most people would have considered impossible." I continue as I let go of his collar. "You push through the hardest of obstacles, defeated the strongest of enemies. You triumphed over anything that comes across your path. And in this time of crucial need, we need you now. Please Bell, we need you to lead us."

Bell looked at me, dazed, before the words finally escaped his mouth.

"R-really? You all would follow me? Even in situations like these? With the odds stacked against us?"

"To the ends of the Earth, captain." I reply firmly. "I... no, we will follow your lead."

Bell smiles slightly and turns to his other teammates, looking for confirmation.

"Wherever Bell goes, I go." Lili replies with a smile.

"Well, it's not like we're going to escape this anyhow." Welf grins. "We better make the best of the situation."

And finally, Goddess Hestia. She puts her hands on Bell's shoulder, nodding faithfully.

"Lead them to victory, Bell-sama."

Bell, with the words and weapons of his teammates behinds him, turns to Ryuu once more. His eyes filled with determination.

"Let's help them."

Ryuu sighs. "You're a failure as a leader then."

"But..." She continues. "You didn't make the wrong decision."

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