Chapter 9: Unexpected Saviour

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I wake up in bed. By Zeus's beard, my head hurts. I'm in some sort of old bedroom. The overwhelming scent of perfumed candles lingers in the air, so overpowering it makes me nauseous. Where am I? How did I get here? Why am I in bed?

I sit up and look around. I'm alone in a small wooden room. There's the small bed which I'm lying in, a table and chair, and a window. I look out the window. The sky is orange, I can't tell whether it is dawn or dusk. What happened? My memory's a bit fuzzy, but I remember collapsing in the Dungeon after duelling with that... rogue. I was rescued, but by who? Where did my rescuer bring me? Why did that person saved me? 

A million thoughts are running around my mind when I spot my rapier and scabbard lying on the nightstand by the bed. I grabbed it and touched its blade. It has been cleaned and sharpened. It is as if it is a brand new sword, shining in the candlelight in the room. I looked at my reflection from my blade. There's a bandage wrapped around my left forehead. Funny how I did not notice this before. 

Suddenly, I hear footsteps approaching the door to my room. I quickly toss my rapier onto the nightstand and lie back into bed. Relaxing my body, I pretend to sleep. Just in time as someone opens the door.

"He should be alright." A young female voice says. I closed my eyes, but I can still listen as multiple footsteps approach my bed. Sounds like more than one person enter the room. This could get dangerous.

"He has recovered significantly, although he looks a bit pale."

"Mhm, I will go tell the others about his condition. Maybe we can get some answers from him when he wakes up."

Footsteps started to fade from the room as the figure exits the room, closing the door in the process. One person has left the room. There should be another one present. I open my eyes the tiniest bit. I catch a glimpse of a figure approaching me with a bowl of water. She places the bowl on the nightstand by the bed. She then proceeds to check my pulse.

"Hmm..." the figure mumbles as she held my wrist and measures my pulse. She then reaches into her pockets and pulls out a small piece of cloth.

"What is she doing?" I thought to myself as she washed the cloth with the bowl of water. Keeping my eyes as closed as possible, I peeked at her face. Maybe she is here to wash my face? A nurse, perhaps?

The figure that stands before me is a small woman, around the same size as Bell's goddess. She has brown hair and eyes. She also has... cat ears and a tail? She's must be from the beast-human race, more specifically the race of cat people. She wears the Hostess of Fertility's uniform. That could mean I'm back in the Hostess of Fertility.

The catgirl notices my eyes twitching and moves towards me. I quickly shut my eyes, hoping she did not notice me spying on her. She edges closer to my bed, her figure looming over me. She looks at me curiously, then smirks.

"I know you aren't asleep, nya! Wake up!" She yells into my ear, startling me and causing me to fall off my bed. The catgirl just grins a big smile.

"It's no use trying to fool me, mister! I got a cat's sixth sense! I can detect if someone is awake or not, among other amazing abilities," She smirks mischeviously as I pick myself up from the floor.

"Well, you got me..." I mutter as I sit back down on the bed. I take a good look at the catgirl before me. I think I remember seeing her before. Yeah... that night when I first went to the Hostess of Fertility. She was the waitress that invited the reserved guests, the Loki Familia into the pub. I think her name is...

"The name's Arnya Formel. Nice to meet ya!" She chirps, her right hand shooting out from her sides to shake my hand.

"You can read minds?" I ask as I shake her hand. I have never heard of this ability before. The mind of mortals may be mere, but yet it is still too complex for us to understand.

Is It Wrong For An Assassin To Be In The Dungeon? V1 (Danmachi Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now