Chapter 2: Finding A Home

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After a long stroll around the city of Orario, I realized that I'm homeless. All the good homes have been taken by adventurers, all anticipating the Monsterphillia, some kind of festival where they all celebrate by drinking, partying and killing monsters for fun, apparently. The other homes, well... let's just say they were a touch on the bad side of Orario, red light districts and all that. Even worse, I barely have enough money to buy a proper meal ever since I reached Orario, let alone renting a house or room.

I breath a sigh of disappointment and sat down under a large tree. I'm in the biggest city in the region and I can't find a place to stay. What a bummer. Luckily, I was taught on what to do in an event that I do not have proper accommodation.

If I cannot find proper housing, perhaps I could construct a temporary shelter in an abandoned or unused structure to be used as a base of operations for the time being.  After all, it isn't uncommon to occupy ruins or abandoned areas, since the probability of being discovered is low, with the exception of the odd ruins explorer. As long as I take the necessary precautions and not arouse suspicion of others, I should be fine.

As I stood up I patted the dirt off my pants and headed to the abandoned part of the city, where no one would find me.

After some snooping around, I find myself among a great area of temple ruins near the West side of Orario. I thought it would be a great place to set up camp. Its location was equidistant to the Guild, the Dungeon and the city walls which is good for scouting the outer areas of the city as well as act as an emergency escape if necessary.

Many great temples in the area appear to be abandoned, not because it was destroyed or ransacked, but due to the lack of maintenance and up-keeping. I guess ever since the Gods came down to the mortal realm, temples were no longer necessary to the citizens of Orario. A pity, considering how grand these temples use to stand, their beaming white marble glistening and glowing under the sun of Apollo, a sight truly to behold. Now, they're nothing more than piles of greying rubble, with moss and soil slowly consuming any trace of them.

A bit of exploration led me to discover a small abandoned church near the road leading to the main streets. It appears to be in decent condition, the walls and ceiling are intact, and it is a nice location to set up camp. But I need a place that is hidden from prying eyes. The abandoned church stands out like a sore thumb because it is the only church in the area.

After a bit more sneaking around around the ruins, I find myself standing in front of an old warehouse. It's old and partially collapsed, but it would make a great hiding spot as it was hidden between the ruins of two collapsed pillars. And it's not far from that abandoned church either.

I enter the warehouse through a collapsed portion of the wall at the side of the building. Piles of cracked stone bricks and moldy wood planks littered all across the floor. This place must be a storage area for building material. It's dark and pretty dusty, but the inside conditions aren't that bad considering that it has been abandoned for decades. Nothing like a bit of cleaning would do any harm, especially since I'm here for who knows how long.

I placed my rucksack against the wall rolled up my sleeves, before I begin to haul bricks and wooden planks away to make some living space. After some hard work, I finally cleared out an area for me to set up camp. The place is still quite dirty, and there are puddles of moldy water due to the holes in the roof, but at least there are no insects or animals living around here.

It's an average place. But hey, beggars can't be choosers. We were taught not to live a grand life anyways.

I sat down to unpack my rucksack and inspected the items I have brought for my stay at Orario. My weapons include my rapier, a sleeve dagger, a bow and a handful of arrowheads and other tidbits and stuff I collected along the way. I also have collected about 500 valis on my journey to Orario.

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