Chapter 32: Familia of Freya

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"Freya Familia..." I mutter to myself as I pour over the notes and reports I have collected over the period of time I stayed in Orario. "What a sneaky little family..."

As I gnaw my teeth on a pencil, I slowly come to realisation that despite always hearing their name wherever I went, I had little to no information about their familia or their whereabouts. People talk grand things about them, but are tight-lipped when it comes to any inner knowledge.

The only information I have about them is that Freya, the Goddess of their familia, is the Goddess of Beauty and that Ottar, their captain, is a Level 7 adventurer. They said to be headquartered at a mansion called Folkvangr, with high walls and plentiful guards to prevent prying eyes. And that's all I know about them. What about their manpower? Do they have anyone powerful as Ottar? If, so, how many are there? All these questions, but no answers.

Sighing, I massage my aching head and ponder over my next move. Recalling back from earlier, Welf remembered a specially made great sword ordered from the Freya Familia. That same great sword was found in the possession of a Red Minotaur that was responsible for the death of three adventurers, possibly more. The same Minotaur that we encountered, and nearly killed us. It was also the Minotaur that, well, broke my rapier...

But the real question I should be asking is, why? Why go through all the trouble just to kill some random adventurers? What triggers them to do so? Is it the act of one adventurer of the Familia or is it the order from the Goddess itself? Is this all connected to the Crime Guild? It has been quite some time since I heard of them. Why the sudden chatter? If so, what are they planning?

I... I need a break. I stare out the window, looking at the waxing moon and its dim light shining down on the city. It's late, but I guess I could go out to relax for a while, maybe clear my mind. The Hostess of Fertility would be the place to go. After all, Ryuu's there.


Pushing open the doors to the sound of the tinkling of a small bell hung loosely around the door's frame. Scouring the tavern, I see that the tavern is mostly empty, except for the few adventurers whom have passed out on their seats, having had a drink too much after a day's successful work. Dirty tables and chairs scatter the room and from the corner of my eye dirty plates and mugs stacked high at the back of the kitchen. The smell of washing soap and food lingers in the air. 

My arrival quickly alerts Chloe, whom is busy sweeping bits and pieces of food left behind during the day. She looks up, with a surprised expression on her face as she sees me.

"Marcus. Welcome back." She greeted as she leans her broom against a table. "You do know we are closing soon, right?"

"Yeah, I know." I mutter as I step over an unconscious man and take a seat. "I just... I just need a little break."

"Hmm... Well would you like me to get you something? Tea perhaps?"

"Depends. What do you have?"

"We have Yellow Tea, Oolong Tea, Black Tea... I would personally recommend our Lemon Balm Tea, specially made for relaxing the mind and body."

"I'll take that, then." I said tiredly as I sink into the wooden chair. Chloe bowed before swiftly departing for the kitchen.

Rubbing my eyes, I grumble frustratingly that I have met another dead end. This is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside of an enigma. Whatever the Freya Familia has planned, they must have a motive. But what is it? They have money, fame, power. They have everything. What else do they want?

"Chloe, someone vomited in the toilet again." A familiar voice calls out as a figure walks out of the restrooms, revealing to be Ryuu, with a piece of cloth around her mouth and a toilet brush in her hand. "I may require more soap to clean it up."

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