Chapter 11: Old Habits, New Friends

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Dawn breaks. The sunlight filters through the small holes of the wall, awakening me from my slumber. Scratching my head, I slowly got up and stretched my back. Man, it's good to be back. 


I pause and look at the wooden door. Someone's out there. But who? I grab my rapier and held it close to me as I inch my way closer to the door. If an enemy is out there, I could stab him through the door. Then again, what if there is a group of people? They could just burn down the warehouse with me in it. I ponder on my options when a familiar voice rings out, dissipating all my fears.

"Marcus, are you awake yet?" Bell asks, his voice bringing me relief as I open the door. Bell stood there, by the doorway, looking confused.

"Hey, Marcus. Umm... is everything alright?"

"Yeah. Why do you ask?"

"Well, you took quite a long time to respond. I thought you might be in trouble."

"I just got up. I'm still sleepy."

"Oh, uh, I'm sorry that I disturbed you!" Bell apologises as he bows his head to me. "Please forgive me."

I wave off his apology. "Well, it's not all your fault anyway. I should have gotten up earlier like you. So, why are you looking for me?"

"Erm... I'm just about to have breakfast, so I thought that I could invite you over to the church to have a meal." Bell says.

"That's a kind offer. I'd be right over as soon as I'm done changing." I said, glancing at my  clothes. 

I haven't changed them since I was kidnapped from the Dungeon three days ago. The bloodstains on my coat are starting to smell weird too. It would be an utter embarrassment to go to another person's house dressed like this. Luckily, I always have spare clothing just in case.

"Alright then, Hestia-sama is busy preparing breakfast in the church so I think I should go back in to help her. Just come when you think you're ready." Bell says as he heads back into the abandoned church.

I went back in and change to a new set of clothes. After a quick prayer to the Gods and Goddesses, something I need to continue this quiet and lonely life, I proceeded to the abandoned church.

I step in through the doors of the church. It isn't as bad as I would imagine, actually. There are a lot of wooden pews scattered all over the church, all intact and in considerably good condition. The wooden podium at the front of the church is a little rotten, but considered it has been abandoned for many years before Bell and Goddess Hestia moved in I'm quite surprised it hasn't rotted away or played host to termites and silverfish. A small wooden door is tucked away by the corner of the church, just out of view for those who don't explore the church carefully enough.

I push the door open to reveal a stone spiral staircase leading downstairs. A church with a basement, it seems. I suppose this is where Goddess Hestia and Bell lives, so I head downstairs.

I step downstairs into a spacious room, capable of accommodating a few people. The furniture in the room is relatively crude, but still in excellent condition. There's a blue queen-sized bed to the side of the room. An old green couch sits right in the centre, accompanied by a small wooden coffee table. A large cupboard stands next to the bed, but only a pitiful overcoat hangs within. I sniff the air. It isn't as humid or dusty as I expected, considering the room is underground. Perhaps they figured out some sort of ventilation system.

Bell is busy placing crackers onto a small plate. Hestia, on the other hand is making tea. Where did they get the biscuits and tea from? I don't know about that, but I am grateful for them to be preparing breakfast for me.

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