Chapter 16: Unbounded Mystery

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"W... what time is it?" I wonder to myself as the bright sunlight rouses me from my sleep. I guess I must have overslept after washing all those plates and mugs. By Zeus' beard, my back aches like hell. Drowsily, I stumble out of my sleeping bag, nearly colliding with a pillar in the process, and reach out for some water.

Looking out the window, I can see that the sun is high up in the sky, glaring down on the ground. High noon. I definitely overslept. Have you ever washed a literal mountain of dirty dishes and mugs? I'm a Watcher, for Gods' sake. I'm not used to washing duty.

After a change of clothes and a short prayer time, it's time to get some breakfast. Then I can go to the Dungeon and grind a little. I head out of the door and-

Wait a minute, what's that? A small piece of parchment, stuck to the door, fluttering in the gentle afternoon breeze. A note? Who left it there? Does someone know I live here? Maybe it could be a trap. All this looks highly suspicious.

I glance both ends of the abandoned street. Not a single person in sight. Maybe it's something important. But then again, if it was important they would have woken me up.

I quickly snatch the note from the door and disappear back into the safety of the warehouse, shutting the door behind me. Is it a death threat? An order from the High Council? An eviction notice perhaps? Then I notice Hestia's name.


Dear Marcus,

Heyyo. Didn't want to wake you up so I'm leaving a note. Anyway can you help me clean up the church basement? Hephaestus needed me to come in early cos of a big order so I'm busy for the day.

As for Bell, he said he would be in the Dungeons. So, I hope you'll understand. Thanks! I owe you one!

Your Wonderful, Illustrious, and Elegant Goddess Hestia

I take a deep breath and groan. Seriously though, cleaning? I'm an assassin, not a house servant. Whatever, I have other things to do than upset Hestia. So I better get to it.

Exiting the warehouse, I make my way to the abandoned church. A figure bursts out from the church, white hair swaying as he moved.

Ah, it's Bell.

"Hello there Bell. Another run in the Dungeon, I see?"

Bell stops as he sees me and smiles. "Yup! Got to get more magic stones to pay off the Hestia's debt somehow."

"Ah, yes. The debt. The two hundred million valis debt. Anyway, how did last night go? Had any fun?"

"Well, not exactly." Bell chuckles awkwardly. "The women chased us all over town. We only managed to lose them by nightfall."

"Really? That's a pity. Strange how women always seem to take interest in young cute boys. Boys like you, for example."

"W-what? What do you mean?" Bell stammers as he blushes, turning his face into an interesting colour of red. It almost made me burst out laughing.

"Just joking with you, Bell." I said, giving Bell a nudge to the chest.

"Well, I'm off to the Dungeons. Wanna come?" Bell asks.

"Not that I can, but..." I hand over the note Hestia left for me to Bell. He takes one look and frowns. Wow, even Bell thinks Hestia is annoying.

"You do know that Hestia is just using you to do her chores, right?" Bell questions me.

"Whatever, its just sweeping. Compare that to the prevalent dangers of the Dungeon I'd rather stay at home."

Bell chuckles. "I guess you're right. Want me to help you?"

Is It Wrong For An Assassin To Be In The Dungeon? V1 (Danmachi Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now