Chapter 5: Shops and Taverns

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I wake up drowsily to the sound of people talking. Yawning, I scratch my back and... Wait, talking? W-who's there? I quickly grab my rapier and peek out of a slit in the stone wall facing the street. The voice is coming from the abandoned church. But I thought no one lives here. Since when did somebody move in?

That's when I see a young boy run through the church's broken doors. He had an enthusiastic tone in his voice and hair as white as freshly-laid snow.

It's that kid again, Bell. The one that got covered in blood from earlier.

"I'm off to the Dungeon, kami-sama (goddess), see you soon!" Bell shouts before dashing off and disappearing down the street.

There's someone else here? Who? I waited for a while, and some time later another small figure appeared from the church. A girl, youthful in appearance, stature on the rather short side. She has blue eyes and black hair tied into two twin tails which reach down to her mid thighs. Her hair is tied with a pair of blue and white petals along with bell shaped ornaments. Her small frame further emphasizes her large *ahem* bosom (breasts). She appears to be wearing some sort of uniform, with a blue ribbon around her neck and another one tied under her chest around her arms. Is she a goddess? Doesn't seem like one.

"I don't want to go to work today, I'm so tired." She moans as she slowly drags herself out from the church. She took a deep breath, and continues down the same busy street that Bell took off too. Soon, she disappeared into the crowd too.

Gods work in Orario? How strange. Thought they were supposed to be heads of their familias.

I continue to ponder as I gather my equipment and change into a fresh set of clothes. It appears that I have neighbors, although they may not be aware of my presence. It could be a good thing, considering the situation I'm in. If anything suspicious happens around here, I could just pack up and leave and people would suspect them. I know it sounds like I'm some sort of selfish prick for doing such a thing, but as far as I'm concerned, my duty to the Order takes priority.

I take a look at my right arm. The wound has stopped bleeding, that's good. It still a bit numb from last night's scuffle with a slightly aggressive Kobold. Scouring around, I quench my thirst from a conveniently placed stream nearby, its source a water spring originating from fissure in the ground that flows into a lake nearby. The water's crystal clear, so I took the opportunity to wash my face and clean my wound. Some herbal medicine on the wound should do the trick for now, but I should really get proper medicine before this infection gets any worse.

Before I go out to conduct my daily activities, I say a small prayer to the Gods. After all, the Order was created to serve them, and it gives me some courage to push on knowing that the Gods in heaven and on earth are watching my back.

As I enter the main streets again and into the bustling streets, a half-formed plan begin to take shape in my mind. I haven't eaten for a whole day, so maybe grabbing a bite to eat should be my first move. But then again, I'm lacking money. So I decided to return to the Guild to trade in my magic stones gathered from my little 'quest' last night. Maybe I should pay Miss Eina a visit too. She must be worried sick after I did not return to the Guild that night.

Entering the Guild building, I approach one of the exchange counters. I empty my pouch of magic stones and its contents spill into the drawer below. The drawer slides back in and the worker behind the counter quickly calculates the worth of my loot. A few seconds later, the drawer slides open, revealing a small pile of valis.

"4500 valis for your work." says the worker behind the counter. He wears a hood too, like me. Maybe to protect the worker's identity?

Thanking the worker, I make my way towards the exit. Maybe I can buy a decent meal with this, or maybe get some new armour. Apparently leather armour isn't enough to stop wolf claws bites. Watchers like us tend to be lightly armoured, as agility and dexterity tend to be our trained traits.

Is It Wrong For An Assassin To Be In The Dungeon? V1 (Danmachi Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now