Chapter 18: The House Of Loki

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A pair of ferocious amber eyes stare right back at me. Those eyes. I recognise that wolf-like stare anywhere. 

"Whadaya want? If it's about joining our familia then scram! You ain't welcome here!" Bete yells.

"Hold it." A deep voice behind the door grunts just as he was about to shut the door. "Who's at the door, Bete?"

"Just some wandering adventurer. Nothing to worry about." He rebukes sharply.

"Let me take a look at this... adventurer." The voice says as a hand reaches out and pulls open the door.

A dwarf with brown eyes and long brown hair along with facial hair of the same colour stands before me. He wears a battle cloth and boots, even though it is late into the night. His arms are covered with scars, their sizes ranging from small streaks to huge lines the length of one's hand. It shows the hardships this man has gone through throughout his whole his life, yet he has yet to yield to life, instead takes it by the throat and reigns it like a dog. A true veteran. A master of his own destiny.

Gareth Landrock.

"Oh, it's you. From the tavern." He looks at me with his calm, brown eyes. "What are you here for?"

"He's here to beg us to let him join the familia." Bete says from behind the door. "And I say NO. So go away! We don't want weaklings like you here!"

Every fibre of my being wants me to break the door down and beat the crap out of Bete. But then again. He's a powerful adventurer, and I'm only level 1. Maybe next time.

"Actually," I said as I straighten my shoulders. "I'm here as I bear gifts for Goddess Loki."

"Gifts for Loki?" Gareth questions as he strokes his beard. "What sort of gifts?"

"A special kind of gift. One that she would enjoy." I reply.

Gareth's eyes squint as he inspects my body, scrutinising every detail of my being. I held my breath silently, awaiting his next move. He then notices my somewhat healed wound to my side.

"What happened?"

"I ran into a little... trouble, on my way here. Nothing to worry about."

"Well?" Bete asks impatiently. "Do you want me to kick him out or what?"

Gareth's eyebrows frown for a while, before opening the door wider.

"Come in, Marcus." He says.

"Thank you." I reply as I step into Twilight Manor. As I step in, I can see Bete fuming.

"What?!" Bete yells. "You're letting him in?"

"Don't worry, Bete." Gareth waves him off. "Besides, I don't think he wants to join us after seeing you anyway."

Grumbles and soft mutterings can be heard from Bete. I wonder why he hates me so much? What did I do to him?

"Alright then. You wanted to see Goddess Loki, right? I'll take you there, but I'd advise you to stay close to me." Gareth says.

"Huh? Why is that?"

"Word of what happened at the Hostess of Fertility spreads fast. You might get some... curious looks."


Crap, did not anticipate this. Gods almighty, give me strength to not break down in shame.

"Okay then. Follow me." Gareth says. "And one more thing. Bete?"

"What?!" Bete shouts back.

"Please shut the door. There's a draught coming in."

"Grr..." Bete grumbles as he turns to lock the heavy wooden door.

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