Young Forever

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Taehyung remains panting on the floor for long minutes, his brain still trying to process what just happened. It's not just an umpteenth argument with Jungkook: this time is different. They never hurt each other physically before, and above all none of them ever left this way after a fight. They usually just settle on avoiding each other even if they're both inside of the flat.

Bright red dots his field of vision. Intrigued, Taehyung lifts his hand and suddenly realises that it's bleeding from the glass fragments, making him emit a shaky swearword while he gets back on trembling legs. He can't stop crying but he doesn't care about the tears rolling down his cheeks, only preoccupied by the droplets of blood that threaten to drop on the floor.

Taehyung washes his hand, the cold water helping him gather his thoughts and think more clearly. Then, he splashes some on his face, not stopping until all the salty droplets on his cheeks are cleaned away.

Once he dried his face, Taehyung turns towards the broken photo frame on the floor, picking it up carefully to look at the picture inside of it. It's been so long since the last time he looked at it, and he knows he shouldn't because good memories are painful to remember now, but he just can't help it. He sighs heavily as his eyes fall on their smiles on the picture, ghosts of the past that won't ever come back to life, it seems. He and Jungkook had taken that photo in a park, both of them lying next to each other in the grass, the two teenagers holding hands happily. They were very young at the time, barely eighteen, and they had been together for two years already. They knew not many couples managed to make it past high school and to stay together during college, but they were head over heels for each other and somehow managed to make it through.

How did it end like this?, Taehyung asks himself, wondering how almost two decades of unconditional love could go wrong in a matter of not even three years. What a waste...

Maybe if he had paid more attention to Jungkook's feelings while mourning Yoongi, his husband wouldn't have cheated on him, he can't help but think. Or if Jungkook had confessed his feeling of rejection earlier, while their problems could still be fixed, maybe Taehyung would have done something about it. But ifs can't provide any help: in the end none of them did the right thing, and now it's too late.

At least that's what Taehyung thinks at the moment, until he suddenly recalls something that makes guilt claw at his chest. He promised something to Jungkook not long after they took this photo, he remembers now...

"Should we take another one?" Taehyung asks after peeking at the photo on his camera screen, turning his head towards Jungkook who shakes his head lightly.

"No, I wanna kiss you now!" He exclaims happily, jumping on Taehyung who laughs and lets the camera land on the soft grass, right before the raven-haired male dives on his lips hungrily. The kiss quickly becomes sweet though, so that Taehyung finds himself a little bit frustrated. He's never been so fond of gentle touches, but he doesn't have the guts to confess what he considers like a strange need for harshness. It makes him feel abnormal, and he swears himself to never speak about it to his lover: Jungkook would think he's crazy. Because violence can never be good for a couple in any way, right? Gentle caresses and soft kisses must be enough...

It's frustrating but it's okay, Taehyung thinks when Jungkook pulls out and looks at him in adoration, because he loves his boyfriend and he's determined to shush his weird desires if it's to spend his life with him. He wouldn't risk losing the other male, he's far too scared Jungkook would abandon him if he tells him what he truly fantasizes about...

"I love you..." He whispers, gently brushing Jungkook's cheeks, and the latter smiles at him brightly.

"I love you too..." The boy applies a fond peck on his lips, and even if Taehyung wants him to bite his lips and ravage his mouth in the most delightful way, he grins at his boyfriend when he leans back. It's not a forced smile, far from it: even if he's not a fan of sweet kisses, he likes the fact Jungkook shows his love to him anyway.

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