War of Hormones

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 Jungkook is all alone when he wakes up, the warmth that was previously emanating from his left side all gone by now. Has Taehyung already left, without even saying goodbye? It's Sunday today, so he doesn't have to go to work though... Then why? Did Jungkook do something bad during the night, like uttering Jongin's name or something? Not that he has a reason to, but you never know...

The raven-haired male gets off of bed quickly, stumbling towards the door as his mind is still a bit cloudy from slumber and that he can't control his limbs very well. The moment he reaches the corridor, he hears some noise coming from the bathroom, yet he tells himself it could as well be Hoseok. Thus, he remains staring at the door dumbly for a minute, trying to hear anything that could indicate him the identity of the person showering at the moment.

The sound of running water stops, and barely a minute after a dripping Taehyung opens the door, startling when he comes face to face with his husband.

"Oh! God... You scared me." He laughs sheepishly, Jungkook scratching his neck in embarrassment.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to... I was just wondering who was inside.

-Well, it's me... Tah-dah!" Taehyung exclaims, striking a pose. He seems in a good mood today, and seeing him like this, Jungkook can't help but smile tenderly. To be honest, he had feared that the fondness he had felt for Taehyung last night would have vanished today. After all, wine had helped them getting closer, but now that they are completely sober...

And yet here he is, staring at his husband with a gentle gaze. It still seems a bit strange in his opinion, since they used to hate on each other so much during these last three years. He still can't believe that his feelings for Taehyung are coming back at the surface, after being buried under thick layers of hate and mistrust, and it makes his heart flutter with joy. While Taehyung had disappeared from his prospects for the future right before he asked for divorce, now he has more and more troubles imagining a future without him.

"I'm hungry... Are you?" He asks out of the blue, as his stomach is currently groaning.

"Yup! Actually, I already prepared breakfast... I told myself I would come waking you up after my shower so that we could eat together." Jungkook raises his eyebrows a little, surprised yet flattered about the fact his husband waited for him.

"Thank you...

-Oh, it's nothing. Come on, let's eat!" He exclaims while beginning to walk towards the kitchen, Jungkook following behind him. The raven-haired male smiles when he spots two French toasts, cups of fruits and yoghurts on the table, and he knows that Hoseok wouldn't mind about them eating

his food, as he always tells his friends to make themselves at home. Plus, now it's Jungkook's home as well...

"I've gone back to healthy eating... I kind of needed it." Taehyung explains while designating the fruits with a little move of the head, "But maybe you want something else?

-No, it's completely fine... I actually need it too." Jungkook confesses, knowing that he has taken some weight over the years. Not much, but still enough for him to not feel very confident with his appearance anymore. Where has the Jungkook from before gone, the one that was in such a good shape and that Taehyung felt so proud to look at, as the latter often used to tell him? "Anyway, have you slept well? You woke up quite early..." Jungkook asks after a few bites of French toast.

"Actually, I slept like a baby, so when I opened my eyes I didn't need to sleep anymore and I got up immediately. What about you?

-I slept well... It was good not to fall asleep alone." A melancholic glint appears into his husband's eyes, the latter nodding.

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