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 "Can you go open the door, Hun?" Hoseok shouts from the bathroom after the doorbell rang, his boyfriend immediately making a sound of agreement before walking towards the wooden panel. He freezes when he spots Jungkook, the other male sending him a tentative smile. Jimin and the taller man made up and he knows they can be considered as friends anew, but it has been long since the last time they've spent some time together. Thus, he can't help the feeling of awkwardness that spreads through him, his voice unsure and his tongue stumbling on words as he starts speaking:

"H-Hello Jungkook... I'm sorry, Hoseok is in the shower.

-It's alright, I came to see you anyway." His friend replies, Jimin's eyebrows disappearing behind his fringe as he lifts them in surprise.

"Really? How did you know I would be at Hoseok's?

-Haven't you been spending all your time here lately?" Jungkook smirks, and Jimin can't help but laugh nervously, cheeks reddening. "At least that's what someone told me...

"Well, you barely stay over a night per week, so I keep company to Hoseok instead..." The man suddenly catches himself, realising that he had wanted to let out this sentence with a joking tone, but it sounded pretty cold instead. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that as a reproach or anything..." Jungkook is being nice to him, yet Jimin ruins all of his efforts by criticising him, he thinks bitterly.

"It's alright... It's true I'm not here a lot nowadays. The last thing I want is to make Seokkie feel lonely, but I have Taehyung now, so I can't always stay here...

-Of course not... Jungkook, really, what I said was silly, just forget about it. I say stupid things because I'm nervous that you're here." The raven-haired male smiles gently, moved by Jimin's honesty.

"I can't say I'm not stressed myself... Not to mention that there is something I wanted to tell you about.

-Oh?" Jimin emits, when he suddenly becomes aware that Jungkook and he are stupidly standing by the threshold of Hoseok's house, while they could be inside and share a warm tea that would certainly make the atmosphere more comfortable. "Wait, don't you want us to move to the couch before we speak?" Jungkook agrees, and that's how five minutes later they find themselves sitting on the said sofa, a coffee cup in the raven-haired male's hand and a mug full of tea in Jimin's. That's the moment a damp-haired Hoseok chooses to make his appearance, and the shorter male can't help but sigh lightly in relief. His boyfriend is always one to know what to say in any circumstance, and he often manages to make the atmosphere lighter even when he's confronted to an awkward situation.

"Look who's back here after so long!" The psychologist smiles brightly while sitting between the two of them, "You still have some clothes that belong to you in the wardrobe, you know that?

-Taehyung and I still haven't moved back together, you know that?" Jungkook grins, but his friend rolls his eyes to the ceiling.

"Bullshit. I'm pretty sure Taehyung will bring up the subject very soon, it would be weird if he didn't. I mean, do you realise it's been two weeks since you last came back here? And before that you remained a whole week at Taehyung's, and so on... You only drift here from time to time in order to pick up some fresh clothes." Jungkook seems to realise that his friend is right, staring at his mug and chewing at his inner cheeks a little.

"I hadn't noticed it had been so long..." He mutters, and Hoseok gets what Jungkook's sheepish tone implies, gently putting a hand on his shoulder.

"It's not a bad thing, Jungkookie, far from it. Don't worry, I don't feel alone the slightest thanks to that small thing next to me.

-Hey!" But Jimin's protesting shout gets ignored as Jungkook nods at his friend in relief, happy to hear these words coming from Hoseok's mouth. He had been afraid the other would feel lonely, and he was quite sad about the fact the two of them would move on and never get to share the same flat anymore. The psychologist had been there to comfort him during this tough period of his life, and had managed to make him laugh in spite of all the anger and despair Jungkook used to feel because of his husband.

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