Illegal (Sequel)

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"I didn't think there would be so many people." Jungkook whispers, eyes wide, as he scans the long line of people behind them. His heart thumps so wildly that he can hear its beat even though people around him are chattering, nervousness coursing through his limbs at the thought of what they're about to do. "The movie came out like two weeks ago... Didn't they all see it already?

-Seems like the hype hasn't died down yet." Taehyung mutters, eyeing the giant Black Panther poster displayed on one of the walls of the cinema. They don't plan to actually watch said movie, far from it. Truth is, Taehyung discovered a while ago his husband has a little kink for public places. If at first he didn't know whether he would be able to grant Jungkook's wish to do it in a cinema, he reflected upon it and now intends to fulfil his desires. After all, what could be hotter than riding Jungkook in the middle of a movie theatre?

At least that's what he thought. It would have been easy to do that in an empty room, but now they're going to have to deal with the crowd around them. They have to be discreet at all costs, or they will cause a scandal.

"We're lucky I prepared for that kind of situations." Taehyung smirks, the raven-haired male eyeing him with a questioning glint in his gaze.

"What do you mean?" Taehyung digs through his pocket, taking a little egg-shaped remote that he discreetly hands to Jungkook with a sly grin. The man frowns, eyeing the device, before a dark spark suddenly lights up in his eyes. "What do you have inside of you, Baby?" He whispers, and Taehyung stifles a whimper at the pet name, feeling himself clench around the toy inside of him.

"A-A new toy..." He says, but before Jungkook can answer, they're cut by the hostess voice arriving to their ears.

"Hello, can I have your tickets please?" Their heads whip towards her in surprise, as they had almost forgotten they were in the middle of a cinema, waiting to hand their tickets.

"Sure," Jungkook mutters, fumbling through his jeans pocket until he finds the two pieces of paper. "Here they are.

-Thank you!" The woman chirps, visibly oblivious to their intentions, "Have a nice movie!

-Oh, we will." Taehyung grins, the mischievous look on his face making Jungkook chuckle nervously. Could Taehyung even be more obvious?

They sit at the very last row in a corner, wanting to be as secluded as they possibly can. A lot of people are already here, but even more spectators start to fill in, making adrenaline pulse in Jungkook's veins. Sensing his apprehension, Taehyung gently puts a hand on his knee, thumbing it to soothe his husband.

"To say I thought I would be the nervous one." He smiles at the raven-haired male, Jungkook's lips mirroring his.

"I wouldn't be like this if there weren't so many people. Have you seen that crowd? It's like the whole town heard of our plans for tonight." He opens his hand that was closed on the remote and fiddles with it, eyeing the four buttons and the inscriptions above them.

"Rotate?" He raises an eyebrow, Taehyung feeling his cheeks heat up as he averts his gaze to the white screen in front of them.

"It's for, you know... the sweet spot.

-I think I'm gonna have a lot of fun." Jungkook grins, "And you know what? I prepared my own little surprise as well.

-Really?" Taehyung eyes him with great interest, feeling his shaft twitch in his pants as he can't stop anticipating the moment when the lights will go off and the movie will start.

"I told you I brought a water bottle inside of this," Jungkook says, giving a little nudge with his foot to the backpack resting on the floor in front of him, "But that's not the only thing I took with me.

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