Boys Meet Evil

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Jimin heaves a sigh, wiping away the condensation on the mirror. Little droplets of water are running to the tip of his dark locks before diving on the floor, leaving a little puddle over the tiles around his feet.

"What am I even supposed to do..." The man mutters to himself, his reflection looking lost. Not being able to help it, he opens the cupboard under the sink and removes from a box the very thing that has been haunting his thoughts for the past week.

"If someone had told me a dildo would make me feel so worried one day..." He thinks with a hint of a smile on his lips at the stupidity of the situation, before the corners of his mouth turn into a frown again. Since their night in Shanghai, he hasn't been able to stop feeling pressured. Not by his boyfriend, who hasn't uttered a word about their conversation ever since, but by the urgency of his need for Hoseok. He wants him, more than anything, and he's starting to want to know how it feels to go all the way with him. Using their hands and mouths to pleasure each other is good, there is no denying it, but he more and more feels like something is missing.

Until now, Jimin has totally been against the mere idea of bottoming. He has always loved having control, always craved to feel powerful whenever he pounded into a whimpering man underneath him. Besides, the thought of having something inside of him made him wince in disgust, and he's never had no desire to know how it felt to reverse positions.

However, if he wants Hoseok and him to properly have sex, he knows one of them has to make concessions. Unfortunately for him, Hoseok is a very patient and quite stubborn man, and Jimin knows it's no use trying to compete.

He turns the red toy into his hands ceaselessly, examining it from every angle. It looks bigger with every seconds passing, and he wonders how he can even push this inside of his body without even bleeding to death.

It might feel good in the end though, he can't help but tell himself. After all, people who bottomed wouldn't accept to do so if they didn't find any pleasure in it... Which is why, with enough prepping and a lot of time, he might be able to enjoy it in the end, right?

"Right," Jimin answers himself, yet stores the toy back into its box, "But not now." He thinks with his heart pounding into his chest, too afraid to dare trying anything today. "Tomorrow, I'll try."

The black box remains untouched for the whole following week, Jimin not even daring to open the cupboard anymore.


"Alright," Jungkook starts with a joyous tone while plopping on the bed next to his husband, "Time to write the kink list!" Taehyung smiles at his happy attitude, glad about the fact the raven-haired male is still willing to do this with him.

Taehyung spent the last two weeks reading everything he could find about BDSM, and he has learnt a lot. Last night, he thus spent the whole evening making a lecture to his husband about his researches.

"You should think about it like this: both the dominant and submissive have power over each other.

-But how? I mean, the submissive can't give orders to the dominant, right?

-Well, the dominant is indeed the one who gives order, but he will never do something the submissive doesn't like. He has to understand what the other needs and give it to him, and he can't force him to do anything. That's what safewords are made for: if the dominant pushes the sub's limits too far, the safeword will immediately alert him that he has to stop. Trust is essential, I mean, you wouldn't do this with someone you're afraid won't follow the rules you established. Anyway, the submissive actually controls the scene, because the dominant follows his rules." Jungkook nods, latching to every one of Taehyung's words so that he can learn as many things as he can. If there is anything he doesn't want, it's to do something Taehyung doesn't like, or worse, to hurt him.

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