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"M-Master-" Taehyung hiccups, Jungkook looking with satisfaction at a tear of frustration that is rolling down his husband's cheek. "Please..." The movement of his hips falters above Jungkook, his hands tied together on the front of his body with a band of silk.

"No, Baby boy... Do you remember what we said?"Jungkook gently scolds him, a little smirk playing on his lips.

"Master c-cums first." Taehyung almost sobs when he lets out these words, looking close to his breaking point, and Jungkook understands he won't be able to keep going for long.

"Then work for it, Love." The palm of Jungkook's hand emits a loud slapping sound when it lands on Taehyung's asscheek. The man above him emits a yelp, and Jungkook imagines with satisfaction how red must be blooming over the skin he just smacked with his hand.

"Yes, Master." The raven-haired male groans in appreciation, watching as Taehyung resumes his movements, bouncing on his cock like the good boy he is.

"Keep going, Baby... You want Master to be proud of you, don't you?

-I-I want to, Master...

-You're such a good slut." At these words, Taehyung's cock releases a bead of precum, a broken moan leaving his mouth. He isn't even wearing a cockring, yet his shaft is of an angry red and he's already close to come untouched. Jungkook's head falls backward, eyes closing on their own. The view is too much for him, he can feel that he won't last long.

Sensing that his husband's end is near, Taehyung clenches on purpose around him, accelerating the pace of his moves even more although his thighs are straining.

"Fuck..." Jungkook mutters with gritted teeth as he comes, and Taehyung almost sobs in relief when he feels the well-known warmth flooding his insides.

"M-Master, please... Can you touch me?" He asks immediately after with a voice he doesn't recognise. He sounds so weak, so close to break down.

"No. You have to come untouched, or you won't come at all." More tears well up in Taehyung's eyes, and he wonders how he is even going to achieve that. He came without being touched only once in his life, and he doesn't know if he can do it again.

"Come now, Baby, Master is asking you to." The cry he emits at this moment is from surprise, as he would never have imagined Jungkook's words would have such a powerful effect on his body. His head falls forward as he rides out his orgasm, and moans of relief tumble out of his lips as he paints both his and Jungkook's belly white.

"It was incredible." Taehyung says to his husband fifteen minutes later as they are taking a bath, the raven-haired male into his arms. He feel more relaxed than ever, still a little light-headed from his orgasm.

"I can't disagree," Jungkook grins, playing with Taehyung's hands. "I was afraid for a second you wouldn't be able to come, but you proved me wrong." The brown-haired male chuckles, kissing Jungkook's wet strands of hair. They remain in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, basking in the soothing warmth of the water, until Taehyung starts speaking again:

"So, ready for moving out after so long?

-I can't wait," Jungkook sighs, "I like this place, but there are too many bad memories here. It will be good to start over in another place.

-I'm so excited..." They began looking for a new house a few weeks ago, a place where they would be able to start a new life without having so many things around them that make them think back to the past. Barely a few days after they started their research, they became infatuated with a cosy house at the other end of the city, in the old town. "How many days already? Eleven?

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