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 "H-Hyung?" A sixteen-year-old Taehyung calls while knocking at the ajar door of his brother's bedroom, hand trembling a little as he does.

"Yeah?" A hoarse voice answers him, as Yoongi's usually is in the morning. Taehyung pushes the wooden panel further open, finding his brother studying at his desk.

"Can I talk to you?" The green-haired man sends him an inquisitive and slightly worried gaze, having noticed the way his little brother's voice is wavering a little, and how solemn his tone is.

"Of course, Tae... Come here." The man lifts up from his chair before sitting on his bed, patting the spot next to him. Yoongi isn't home so often now that he studies in another city, so that Taehyung takes advantage of the fact his brother is spending vacations in the family home to have this important conversation with him. "Tell me, what's wrong?" The older gives him an encouraging smile, and Taehyung reminds himself that this is Yoongi, that he will never hurt him or reject him in any way. That's what gives him courage to talk, which he does after inhaling deeply.

"Nothing's wrong, actually... I just- I wanted to tell you that I'm in a relationship." Yoongi raises his eyebrows, his smile widening. "With a boy." Taehyung adds quickly, distinctly noticing the way his brother's eyes enlarge after these last three words. His heart races faster and faster against his chest, and for a brief second he feels an awful sensation of doubt spreading into his veins. What if Yoongi doesn't accept him, after all? What if he doesn't want to speak to him anymore?

"Oh my God, I'm so happy for you, Tae... What's his name? Can I meet him soon?" Taehyung snaps up his head that had begun to hang low, looking at his brother with eyes wide as saucers and slightly parted lips.

"Y-You're not like, shocked or something?

-Well, I was surprised for a few seconds, I mean, I wasn't waiting for you to tell me that... I genuinely thought you were interested in girls." Yoongi chuckles, and Taehyung can't help but smile. He has never been in a relationship before Jungkook, and before asking him out he didn't even know to which gender he was attracted to, given he had never liked anyone before. The raven-haired boy has been his first date and his first kiss, and Taehyung hopes he will be the first of many other things in the future.

"I thought so too." He admits, making Yoongi laugh even more. "His name is Jungkook. A-And yeah, I guess you can meet him someday..." He stammers, not having imagined that his brother would want to be introduced to his boyfriend so soon.

"It's alright, you can take your time if you're not ready. But I'd be happy to meet him, really." The green-haired male genuinely says, and Taehyung feels a surge of affection in his chest for this man who has always been so supportive towards him.

"Thank you, Hyung..." He mutters while leaning forward, hugging his brother tightly so that this one winds his arms around the younger at his turn, gently rubbing his back.

"You know I'll always be there, right?" Taehyung smiles, nodding into his brother's chest and feeling Yoongi's warm embrace tightening around him.

Taehyung's eyes snap open, the man blinking in confusion for a few seconds before sitting up with a heavy sigh. His hands press over his eyelids as he's willing himself not to cry. If a tear manages to roll down, he knows it will quickly become a river.

The worst is that he is alone today, alone with the depressing thoughts that his dream has triggered. Indeed, Jungkook doesn't spend all of his time at the flat, given he still lives at Hoseok's as they both prefer taking it slow, just like the counsellor advised them. Thus, his husband isn't here this morning, and the brown-haired male couldn't deplore his absence more than now.

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