Talk - Part Two

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 "J-Jungkook?!" Jimin exclaims, heart suddenly racing into his ribcage. Having the other man over the phone is something he hadn't expected the slightest, and he starts wondering what has triggered such a turn of events. He can't say he's unhappy about it, though: being able to talk to him is already a great step, and he wonders if Jungkook and Taehyung would agree to give him a second chance. The perspective of having his friends back by his sides makes his chest almost ache with yearning. He just wishes he is not getting his hopes up...

"Himself... Long time no see, right?" Jungkook's tone is polite and not wicked at all, which makes him squirm in delight in his desk chair.

"Y-Yeah... How are you and Taehyung?" The shorter male bites his tongue, willing himself not to stutter anymore. He can't recall a time in his life when he has been so stressed to speak with the taller man.

"Just fine... Actually, we were talking together yesterday, and we wondered if you would accept to have a conversation with us. We think we should speak about, you know, everything that happened..." Jimin feels nauseous at the mere thought of discussing his betrayal towards Jungkook with the said man, but it could get a weight off his shoulders, and that it could be a great opportunity for all of them to make a fresh start. There is nothing he wants more than being able to speak in a friendly way with Jungkook and Taehyung, and to meet up with them like they did before. They have been friends since high-school, and have gone through life's hardships and joyful moments together. Thus, their absence feels like a void in his chest, that cannot be filled even with all the love Hoseok showers him with.

The man knows it's his fault, though. Yoongi's death had made him feel so lonely that, when Taehyung had tried to kiss him, he hadn't been able to resist. He should have though, and he hates himself for not having been strong enough to turn him down. Worse, he had tried to retain him when Taehyung had told him he wanted to save his marriage and stop being his lover. Now that he looks back on it, he knows he was afraid to lose him while he had already lost Yoongi... Because of his careless and childish behaviour, he lost both Jungkook and Taehyung in the end.

"I think it's a great idea." Jimin replies, trying to steady his voice as he's a bit too moved by the fact his friends made the first step towards their reconciliation. "When would you like to meet?

-Is Saturday fine with you?" Jimin wonders how he'll manage to find the patience to go through two long days of work before finally getting to speak with his friends in person, but he doesn't have any free time before that anyway, as he's currently on a business trip. Maybe these two days will also allow him to prepare himself mentally for the encounter to come...

"Yes, it's alright.

-Perfect... Is it okay if Hoseok is here as well? Taehyung and I thought it would be better if the four of us talked together, so that no one would be left out." Jimin stiffens at this, remaining silent for a few seconds. "Hello? Jimin?

-Y-Yeah, sorry..." He immediately apologises, wiping his already sweaty palm on his trousers. It wouldn't be such a big deal if Hoseok was his friend only, but thing is, he isn't. Is he supposed to act like the other male isn't his boyfriend in front of Jungkook and Taehyung? Jimin really doesn't want to pretend they're not together, he is done with hiding things from his friends. So it means they will have to make the big announcement on Saturday... His head is spinning a little at the mere thought. That's a lot of things to discuss for their first encounter in months... He just hopes Jungkook and Taehyung will be okay with their relationship. Jimin isn't fond of the possibility of them having an argument because of this. "It's alright, he can be there...

"Okay, good." Jungkook suddenly seems to hesitate for a few seconds, and Jimin's throat goes dry as he waits for the words to leave the raven-haired male's mouth. Is he going to warn him of not trying to get Taehyung back or something? "I really miss you, you know... I hope we can settle things down and start over again.

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