First love (Prequel)

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Jungkook should be excited, but all he can think about is that he has clammy hands.

He's waiting for Taehyung in front of the fast food, which is where they agreed to go for their first date – Jungkook would have loved to bring him to a fancy restaurant to impress him, but that's not really consistent with his high-schooler budget.

Taehyung asked him out a few days ago, and the raven-haired boy has his heart slamming against his ribcage just from thinking about it. They had gotten closer in the past few weeks, and yes, Jungkook had been thinking more and more about shy Taehyung who loved books and smiled at him whenever their gazes met in class. Still, he never really thought about the possibility to actually be attracted to him.

Taehyung had mustered the courage to ask him after walking him home, his gaze casted down and his hands clasped together. As he spoke, Jungkook had noticed the shade of red on his cheeks that kept deepening with each word, and he became aware he himself was blushing as well. Realisation had suddenly dawned on him that he might be feeling more for this boy than he thought in the first place.

His first thought had been to say no, though, as he never considered himself as anything other than straight his entire life, and it felt weird to change so suddenly. But something inside him had screamed at him to agree, and Jungkook has never been one not to follow his intuition.

The smile Taehyung gave him when he said yes confirmed him that he had made the right choice.

However, Jungkook isn't so assured right now. He was so nervous that he arrived thirty minutes early, unfortunately giving him plenty of time to overthink every little detail of his upcoming date. What if he's awkward? What if Taehyung finds him boring? What if he does something stupid like spilling his glass of coke over Taehyung's shirt?

Jungkook wipes his palms over his jeans, hoping Taehyung won't try to hold hands in the next few hours.

When Taehyung arrives, it's in a pink sweater along with white shorts and sneakers, looking so adorable that Jungkook has troubles speaking.

"H-Hey, you look, uhm, great?" Shit, why did that sound like a question?

"Thanks," The chestnut-haired boy grins at him, "You don't look bad either." He chuckles, and Jungkook scratches his nape, trying to hide the fact his hands are shaking a little. Why is he so nervous about this? "Let's go inside?"

"Oh, sure!" He tries to look more confident than he is as he walks towards the fast food, nearly tripping on a hole in the ground though.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung immediately helps him steady himself, and Jungkook wants to be swallowed into the hole that caused his misery, feeling hot from his head to the tip of his toes.

"Yeah, sorry." He chuckles nervously and Taehyung smiles, not seeming bothered by his utter lack of assurance. If it keeps going like this, it will be a miracle if Taehyung is still attracted to him by the end of the night, Jungkook tells himself.

Jungkook doesn't remember entering the fast food, neither does he remember ordering a menu, but next thing he knows, he's holding a plate into his hands and following Taehyung as they walk towards one of the numerous booths. He sets the plate onto the table, careful not to spill anything.

"Ah, I-I don't really remember what I ordered..." He laughs sheepishly, "Which ones are mine?" Taehyung emits a contagious laugh, separating the items on the tray in two parts.

"Here you go, burger, fries and coke." He smiles, and Jungkook wonders how he's going to eat with the painful knots in his stomach. He doesn't know why his brain is making such a big deal out of this date. He went out with tons of girls before and he literally exuded confidence, so why is Taehyung making him freak out like this?

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