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 Their lips lock the moment they close the door behind them, not even bothering to turn the lights on so that the flat remains plunged in a semi-obscurity, the only source of brightness coming from a street lamp outside. But Taehyung and Jungkook know the place by heart anyway, not even opening an eye as they walk together towards the bedroom, their lips not unlatching once. The only moment Jungkook leans back is right before gently pushing Taehyung on the mattress, the latter landing on the edge of the bed softly with a smile. The brown-haired male pats his thighs as an invitation, Jungkook settling on his lap before cupping his husband's face with one hand. He doesn't kiss him though, only thumbing his cheek gently before whispering:

"We can still stop... You sure you want it?" Taehyung nods, turning his head slightly in order to kiss Jungkook's wrist in a fond manner. They both know that what they're on the verge to do will be completely different from the short sex session they had the other day, so that Jungkook wants to make sure his husband is ready for what's coming.

"I want it... I want you." Taehyung replied without hesitation, earning a wide grin from his husband who allows his fingers to wander over the soft skin of his partner's cheek, the latter closing his eyes in bliss. They have all the time in the world, and none of them is willing to rush anything: they will discover each other's body all over again, at their own pace.

Gentle fingertips run over Taehyung's forehead, cheeks, jaw, followed by sweet lips that apply slow kisses in their wake. While doing this, Jungkook listens to the way the silence of the room is broken by his husband's little sighs, that wouldn't be audible for someone standing even a meter away. He makes sure to engrave them in his mind, wanting to memorise every little thing that belongs to this moment in the future. Tonight is the night, during which the two of them are going to get rid of their grudges towards each other, discarding them along with their clothes.

The taller man leans back slightly, the two of them looking at each other with a gaze full of fondness and need, a gaze they haven't shared for a very long time. But before going further, there is something Jungkook needs to say, some words that have been on the tip of his tongue for a while yet that he hasn't found the courage to utter, but now is the time.

"I forgive you, Tae." The raven-haired male whispers, seeing the said man's eyes widen in the semi-darkness, before these ones fill with tears.

"Really?" The dumbfounded man asks, not having expected these words to come out of Jungkook's mouth the slightest, but he couldn't love the timing more.

"Yes... I understand why you cheated on me, and why you got disinterested in me for a while. And I did shitty things too anyway, we were far too confused and hurt and - there's no reason for me to hold a grudge against you anymore, it would be stupid and childish. Also, I see that you've changed and that we can communicate now. For all these reasons... I forgive you." Salty droplets fall from Taehyung's eyes at these words, out of shock and relief, and because everything is too overwhelming at the moment. The brown-haired male wraps his arms around Jungkook's waist and hugs him tightly, the latter embracing him back with a smile.

"Oh God... I-I forgive you too, Kookie... I'm so sorry for everything that happened between us, I wish I could go back and do better...

-It's alright... It made us stronger in a way, don't you think?" His husband nods into his chest, the two of them feeling a huge weight lifting off their chests as the very last barrier they had built between them during these three years finally crumbles down.

Light kisses over Jungkook's clothed chest along with gentle brushes on his sides ignite the fire in his belly anew, heart beating at the thought he will have to remove his top in a moment. He wills himself to calm down though, telling himself that it's Taehyung and that the latter will never judge him or mock him whatsoever. Thus, when the brown-haired male hooks his fingers under the hem of his t-shirt, he shows no resistance and allows him to lift the piece of fabric over his head.

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