Save Me

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Taehyung looks at the smaller man in awe, heart slamming against his ribcage as he wonders what Jimin is doing in here.

"You look surprised..." The latter frowns, trying to get another kiss but Taehyung flinches. "Hey, what is wrong with you?" He exclaims with a displeased tone, not used to have Taehyung rejecting him.

"What are you doing here, Jimin?

-Have you forgotten I was supposed to come back from my business trip today? I just wanted to see you, so I used the spare key you always hide under the mat..." He explains with confidence, as though the fact he entered Taehyung's flat without permission isn't a big deal. Jimin seems annoyed today, the taller man notices. He can surely feel the aura of repulsion surrounding Taehyung that leaves no doubt about the future of their relationship.

Taehyung sighs, running a hand into his hair: he certainly wasn't expecting to deal with his lover right now. He has taken his decision back into the counsellor's office: if he wants to save his marriage, he has to make sacrifices, and one of them will be cutting ties with Jimin. Nothing would be able to make him change his mind now.

"Come with me..." Is his mere reply, and he walks towards the living room without waiting to see if the raven-haired male is following. He eventually hears footsteps behind him, a still-frowning Jimin sitting next to him on the couch a few seconds after and keeping silent as he's waiting for him to speak, his arms crossed on his chest.

"Jimin, I'm going to get straight to the point: we can't see each other anymore." The said man's eyes widen, and he voices out his protestations the moment after:

"What? No! Is it because Jungkook forbid you to see me? You're not obliged to obey him, you know, you're a grown man and not a little puppy so just do what you w-

-This is what I want!" Taehyung cuts him with such a firm tone that Jimin's lips seal shut immediately even if his eyes scream his incomprehension. It kills Taehyung, because he really loves Jimin as a friend and the last thing he wants is to hurt him, but his choice is made. He won't ruin his chances of getting back with Jungkook because of an umpteenth bad decision. "Please, listen to me..." He exhales, trying to find the less painful way to form his sentence, but deep inside he knows it's no use: one way or another, he's going to break Jimin's heart. "My couple is the most important thing to me. I mean, of course Jungkook and I are going through a very, very rough patch, and we don't even know if we still love each other, but... We can't spoil eighteen years without even trying to put the pieces back together. And I already know that it will never work if I keep seeing you, even as a friend. Jungkook didn't ask me to do anything, it's just my own decision, and I hope you'll accept it. I'm sorry, Jimin..."

The other remains silent for long seconds, as though the air has been knocked out of his lungs with the punch Taehyung's words just threw at him. Eventually he emits a joyless chuckle, and Taehyung gulps heavily when he sees the almost insane glint into his eyes.

"Of course, I should have seen this coming...

-No, Jimin-

-It's alright, it's alright. Your best friend and lover is less important than a husband you're going to divorce anyway, I can understand that." The ironic words that leave his mouth make Taehyung freeze, his lips parting in shock for a second.

"Excuse me?

-Well that's the truth! I've seen you and Jungkook battling for months, how could you two even manage to finally fix this mess? In the end it won't work, and you'll lose everything. I'm pretty sure Jungkook doesn't want it anyway! You're mine, Taehyung, not his!" It's too much for Taehyung who grabs the front of Jimin's shirt harshly, staring straight into his orbs with a dark gaze.

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