Hold Me Tight

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Jungkook and Taehyung keep buying little gifts and writing kind notes to each other during the two following weeks, always remaining trivial in their messages as they don't want to risk starting a fight. Indeed, the peace is still fragile between the two of them and they both know that one mistake can put them in danger. Thus, they remain careful, and even though it's not much, it actually brightens their mood in a way they would never have thought possible.

Hoseok quickly acknowledges the change in Jungkook's behaviour, as he notices the latter seems to smile more and tends to look less anxious. He doesn't tell Jungkook about it though, as he wants the latter to open up to him first, not wanting to make him feel ill-at-ease by talking about a subject his friend isn't ready to broach yet.

It's at the end of the month that it happens, when the two boys are watching television on the couch: Hoseok turns his gaze away from the television at one point, catching his friend red-handed. Indeed, the raven-haired male is not-so-discreetly reading one of his husband's little papers for what might be the third time that night, the man blushing when he realises he's being watched.

"What?" He asks with a tone that definitely shows he's aware of the reason why Hoseok is smirking at him.

"Oh, nothing... I was just thinking that it's getting better between you and Taehyung, right?" His friend looks a bit flustered at these words, as though surprised Hoseok noticed, and it amuses the latter because really, doesn't Jungkook realise he is so obvious?

"Sure, I mean, we still have some serious business to speak about, but at least we're kind to each other now... Not like before.

-Definitely not..." Hoseok agrees, letting his head land on Jungkook's shoulder softly. "I'm proud of you two, you know that?" This has Jungkook grinning lightly, the man muttering a word of thanks. "When is the next counsellor appointment, by the way?

-It's in three days." The raven-haired male answers, letting out a shaky breath. "I'm so stressed... I wonder if we can talk together without getting in a fight. I mean, it will surely be more difficult to speak face to face... We won't be able to really think our words over like when we write, so I'm afraid to say something wrong somehow.

-Don't worry, Kookie, I'm sure you two will do great. You made great progress since the beginning of that therapy... Do you realise that barely two months ago you were still avoiding each other as much as possible? Now you're reading Taehyung's notes over and over!

-Well, they're nice, after all... It's been so long that we haven't shared this kind of little things, Hoseok, it's normal for me to react like this.

-I know... But you can't deny that you're acting pretty cheesy.

-Oh, shut up." Jungkook nudges him with a smile, Hoseok laughing lightly. That's the moment the latter's phone rings, a well-known voice resonating at the other end of the line the moment he picks up.

"Hey Jimin, how are you?" He feels Jungkook tense a little next to him, but he doesn't care: even though the relationship between these two is tensed, as for him he's still Jimin's friend.

"Hi, Seokkie! I'm fine, I just wanted to know, err..." There's a little hesitation at the other end of the line, so that Hoseok encourages him.

"Don't be afraid to ask me...

-Yeah, well, I just wanted to know if you could come to my place one of these nights... It's been so long we haven't watched a good movie while eating pizza!" Hoseok realises that indeed, they used to do this often before, sometimes with Jungkook and Taehyung as well but most of the times it would only be the two of them. But the part of the night Hoseok loved the most was after watching the film, when they talked and talked together until the sun was on the verge of rising up into the sky. They would try to prevent their eyelids from sealing shut, but inevitably they fell asleep on the couch, groaning in the morning as they limbs hurt from remaining on the uncomfortable sofa all night long. Hoseok really misses this, so that he suddenly feels really impatient at the idea of sharing this kind of moments with Jimin anew.

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