Let Go (Sequel)

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It had all started one night, as Jungkook and Taehyung were discussing their kinks while eating pizza – a normal night for them, now that they weren't afraid of each other's judgement anymore. Taehyung had asked Jungkook about what he would like to do for his first time as a submissive, and Jungkook's cheeks had taken a rosy colour as he had imagined Taehyung doing all kinds of sinful things to him. He wanted to try out a lot of things, but two ideas in particular had been nagging at him for a while.

"I think I'd like to try denial. And maybe sensory play too."

Taehyung had looked at him for a few seconds with an undecipherable gaze, before letting a smirk grow on his face.

"Oh, I think I'm going to have a lot of fun."

Now, Jungkook wants nothing more but to do that scene already. But Taehyung keeps delaying the moment they will do it, wanting to make sure the two of them discuss it a lot and do enough research so they will be safe and will enjoy it from the beginning to the very end. Jungkook knows he's right, but he's so impatient he can't help but pout a little whenever Taehyung tells him they might not be ready yet.

Until finally, Taehyung deems the two of them know enough on the subject. They buy all the necessary toys and settle to do a scene on Friday night, when Taehyung will come back from work. Which leaves Jungkook with an entire day of waiting for his husband to come back home. He himself is in vacations, and he's positive he will count every second until he can finally get to be a submissive for the first time.

And really, he can't help but think life decided to make it hard for him. Friday is the hottest day in a long time, leaving him apathetic and unmotivated to do anything other than lie on the bed in briefs and drink litres and litres of water. He watches videos on his phone and feels like the allegory of laziness, glad not to be obliged to go out under that blazing sun. At one point, he sends a kind reminder to his husband to drink enough water – he doesn't want him to suffer from dehydration, especially not tonight.

He groans when he sees there is still an hour left before his husband comes home. At least it's a bit fresher inside the house now that the sun is slowly descending towards the horizon. Thanks to that, he finds the courage to move, telling himself he might as well prepare everything for tonight's scene. He needs to clean the bedroom and maybe light up a few candles to set up a warm atmosphere. And it might be better to take a shower after sweating all day long...

An hour after, Jungkook contemplates his work with satisfaction, running a hand in his damp hair. The only thing missing in the room is Taehyung, who should arrive in fifteen minutes or so.

Hands trembling lightly in apprehension, Jungkook removes his top and shorts and carefully places them on the backrest of the desk chair. He and Taehyung agreed the raven-haired male would be in briefs when his husband would arrive, and he certainly won't disobey the rules.

Just like Taehyung asked him to earlier that day, Jungkook places a blindfold on his own eyes, but not before having secured a cockring around his base and having thoroughly prepped himself. This way, he's all ready for Taehyung, kneeling on the bed with his hands in his lap.

While waiting for his husband, the raven-haired male takes the time to think about his mental state, just to make sure everything is okay. He knows Taehyung is well-prepared and will always keep him safe, so he's not worried about what could go wrong. No, what he apprehends the most is whether or not he'll be able to go into subspace. Maybe he's made to be a dominant, not a submissive... Well, he at least wants to give it a try. Who knows, he might be a fabulous submissive, Jungkook tells himself with a small smile.

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