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"Really, Seokkie... I don't know why I reacted like that. I mean, why the hell was I so kind with Taehyung?" Jungkook whines, his head comfortably nestled on the armrest of Hoseok's couch with his long legs stretched out over its whole length. His friend is currently seated on the carpet under the coffee table, glasses on his nose and a book about Freud on top of the wooden furniture, as the good psychologist he is. It looks like he's psychoanalysing the younger right now, and for a moment Hoseok is tempted to laugh about it, but eventually decides against it: Jungkook needs his advice right now, so his jokes can wait.
"You still care about him, Kookie, it's obvious... You were so worried when he called you, you didn't even think once about the counsellor's main rule you had just told me about!
-W-well, if Taehyung needed me, I wasn't going to tell him to just handle himself until next month...
-Some people would have." The chestnut-haired man retorts, "I mean, when you're almost on the verge of divorcing, you're not really supposed to want to take care of your partner. So yeah, you could have told me to go because I'm his friend, but instead you bolted out of my house and ran to your car like the knight in shining armour you are!" Jungkook can't help but chuckle lightly, as he has to admit his reaction was a bit excessive. But his husband was in trouble, and in the end Jungkook was right to hurry judging by the state he found him in, all crying and trembling. He still can't believe how natural they acted together after that... As if they had erased the past and only focused on each other for a few minutes.
"You're right, I don't want Taehyung to be harmed or anything. But it's strange, I mean... A few weeks ago, I wouldn't have reacted like this at all. What happened during that time?
-Well, I think you realised that Taehyung truly wanted to change and fight for your marriage. You see that he's ready to make a lot of efforts for you, so it makes you want to do the same... And more importantly, you're both starting to have conversations again instead of arguing, which is a great deal.

-You think so?

-Yes, of course... Don't underestimate it. Spending time with him was awful before since it always ended in a fight, but now you two are learning to do differently so you start seeing Taehyung in a new light again." Jungkook observes his friend's serious expression for a few seconds, the words sounding exactly like what he felt but couldn't manage to put into words before.
"You're truly a hell of a psychologist, you know that?
-Well apparently I should stop working with children and help desperate couples instead!" His friend exclaims while chuckling lightly before speaking with a more quiet tone, even if a light and tender smile remains on his lips. "But really, Kookie, I don't think you and Taehyung are a lost case at all. It will be difficult, of course, but you can make it through... After all you've lived sixteen happy years together before the shit began, right? It's not meaningless...
-Of course it's not, I can only agree with you... But Taehyung hurt me and I hurt him too, so it will take time before we can trust each other again." Hoseok nods slowly and remains silent, yet the raven-haired male can see he has something else to say but is hesitant to utter the words. Thus, he calls him softly, asking him what is wrong so that his friend sighs and averts his gaze.
"Just... don't do this thing with Jimin again, hmm? I know he did very bad things, but he's still my friend.
-He deserved it." Jungkook answers immediately, crossing his arms on his chest like a stubborn kid at the mention of the shorter male's name.
"I'm pretty sure he already feels very guilty, there was no need to burden him even more...
-He scared Taehyung by forcing him to kiss him and then he claimed it wasn't his fault!
-Alright, he truly acted like an asshole. But still, it's Jimin, not some random stranger...
-Doesn't it make it even worse? He betrayed me...
-Just like Taehyung did. You want to forgive your husband, why not your friend?" Jungkook remains speechless at this, gnawing at his lower lip for a few seconds so that Hoseok takes the opportunity to add something. "Kookie, everyone makes mistakes. I'm not saying that you should forgive anything and everything, but what Jimin did is definitely not worse than what you or Taehyung did... I just feel like he could be given a second chance. At least, he doesn't deserve being treated like you treated him." The black-haired man sighs, running a hand through his hair.
"You might be right..." He mutters, suddenly feeling a bit guilty as he realises he might have gone a bit too far this time. "But I don't feel like I'm able to apologize. Not now, at least. And not until he admits he's been a prick.
-And I'm not asking for you to do so... Just stop using him as your punching-ball, okay?
-Alright... I'll just ignore him, I promise." Jungkook concludes before unfolding his arms and sitting upright. "Anyway, I'm going to pack my stuff..." He announces while getting up but Hoseok frowns and grabs his wrist to retain him, his grip gentle yet firm.

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