I Need You

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 One of Taehyung's feet is tapping the ground rapidly, the man sighing to try to release at least a little bit of his nervousness. He is currently in front of his building, waiting for Jungkook to pick him up. He's been there since less than ten minutes, but he can already feel the bubble of anxiety in his chest growing more and more. It's like he doesn't know what to do with his hands anymore, should he let them hang flat along his body? Or maybe he should cross his arms? What will look better from Jungkook's point of view, when this one will arrive?

Indeed, his husband is still not here, and Taehyung is beginning to wonder why: the man has always liked punctuality, and arriving late is not part of his vocabulary. Thus, the brown-haired male can't help but begin to worry, his mind coming up with some theories from the most likely to the less conceivable.

What if he forgot to check the time and hasn't realised he was late? Has he gotten in a car accident? What if he's in the hospital right now? Or maybe he is freaking out... Maybe he made up his mind about our marriage. Maybe he doesn't want to try anymore...

Taehyung sighs, taking his head into his hands. He should trust Jungkook more... Of course he's going to come. Wanting to calm down, he tries to distract himself by thinking about some things he could say to make the atmosphere lighter when Jungkook will arrive.

Yet his head is apparently unable to produce a single positive thought at the moment, and he wonders how he will actually manage to emit words during that date. Can he handle this? Can he manage to make Jungkook at ease so that they will spend a good time together? He is really beginning to think he can't...

Taehyung is still deep into his thoughts when his phone suddenly buzzes in his pocket for a second, making him jump on his spot before his heart slams against his ribcage when he grabs the device: indeed, he just spotted the ID on the screen, Jungkook's name making him unlock his phone without wasting a second.

From: Jungkook

I'm very sorry, I just got a little problem with my car... But it's okay now, Hoseok helped me and we managed to start it up. I'll be there in ten minutes! Sorry for making you wait...

A deep sigh of relief leaves Taehyung's mouth, the man managing to relax a bit more. So Jungkook didn't freak out, didn't have doubts about their couple... It was only a car problem. Taehyung could laugh from relief at the moment, but the remaining fears about how the evening will go refrain him from doing so.

Really, if someone had told him he would be stressed about spending time with his own husband one day, he wouldn't have believed them.


The car door opens, a slightly-paler-than-usual Jungkook emerging from the vehicle. A wave of fresh air contrasting with the warmth of the heater hits the raven-haired male in the face, and he walks towards his husband with rapid steps, blaming himself inwardly for being late. He knows it's not his fault, but still, he would have preferred not to make Taehyung worry.

"Hey..." He makes a nervous smile once he has arrived next to Taehyung, the exact same one spreading on the latter's features.


-I'm sorry for being late, I know that it's not the best for a first date...

-Don't worry, it wasn't your fault." The brown-haired male reassures him while they're both walking towards the grey vehicle. "Tell me... How are you?" He asks once Jungkook started the car, and the taller man decides to reply honestly.

"Well, I'm way too nervous about that whole thing." He replies, rubbing his hands together as they still feel cold from the outside. Luckily he's not far from the heater, so that he can already feel his whole body getting warmer.

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