One Night in a Strange City

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"Fuck, fuck, fuck, I'm late!" Taehyung swears while jumping out of bed, immediately opening the curtains so that his husband groans into the pillow when a sudden brightness illuminates the room.

"Five minutes more..." He mumbles, blindly reaching for the blanket before pulling it over his head.

"Well you can rest five minutes more, but I can't... I'm supposed to be at work at seven today, we have an important meeting but it's already half past six! I'm so dead..." The brown-haired male whines while quickly putting clothes on, before rushing out of the room. With one last groan, Jungkook sits up while rubbing his temple, eyes scanning the room as he's trying to find his crutches.

It's been six weeks now, six weeks since the accident but also since they started living together anew. It wasn't easy at first, after so long without living together. It took them some time to fall into a new routine, especially since Taehyung had troubles not babying his injured husband. This lead to many other conversations about what he should or shouldn't do, but the two of them managed to avoid any fight. Jungkook, who has always been of an impatient temper, sometimes had troubles remaining calm during their talks, but Taehyung understood and always allowed him time to regain his composure.

Now, everything is starting to get better. The brown-haired male has learned how to make the difference between treating Jungkook as a child and showing his affection to him. Besides, the two of them have gradually adjusted to each other's habits, and Jungkook is starting to really enjoy their life as a couple.

"Tae, have you seen my crutches?" He shouts, hearing a groan coming from the living room, which makes the corner of his lips lift up slightly. He didn't want to bother Taehyung, but it's not like he can get up and search for the damn crutches himself...

"They're here..." The brown-haired male says grumpily, and Jungkook hears quick steps coming towards the bedroom.

"Thanks." He winks when taking them from Taehyung's hold, this one rolling his eyes, but a little smile tugs at the corner of his lips as he remembers why the crutches were actually in the living room. They had been forgotten there last night, after they came back from the cinema and started to make out on the couch, which had led to them drifting to sleep naked on the spot hours later. Taehyung must have carried him to bed later that night, Jungkook realises.

"I'm seriously going to be late." The other's expression becomes serious anew, and he rushes away. He's followed by Jungkook this time, who tries to follow him as fast as he can.

"Eat a little something, at least! You're going to be hungry long before lunch...

-Kookie, I can't." Taehyung says while trying not to lose his balance as he puts his shoes on, and Jungkook takes notes of the annoyed tone that clung to his husband's last word. Thus, he sighs in defeat, waiting for Taehyung to finish getting prepared before beckoning him with a finger.

"Come here..." The raven-haired male makes his crutches rest against the wall, leaning against the latter with his shoulder right after not to fall.

"Be quick, okay?" Taehyung asks but walks towards him anyway.

"I promise." Jungkook nods, lifting his hands before folding back the collar of Taehyung's shirt that was annoyingly straightened. He then fixes his tie and takes care of a lonely button that was forgotten by his husband, before applying a brief kiss on the latter's hair.

"Don't forget our appointment at the counsellor's tonight, yeah?

-Don't worry." Taehyung makes a little smile, his previous irritation visibly gone. "Don't I even have the right to get a real kiss?

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