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"A marriage counsellor? I don't believe in those." Jungkook says categorically, arms crossed as he turns away from the little plaque hanging on the wall near the therapist's entrance door. Yet Taehyung is quick to grab his wrist harshly to make him stop, both of them glaring at each other.

"You have another idea, maybe? Because if you don't, we go in there." Jungkook holds his gaze, a tensed silence falling between them, before he finally seems to realise that there's no other choice. They're helpless, after all.

"Fine." He sighs, hating to give in, but he has to admit that a counsellor actually seems like the best option. Taehyung rolls his eyes in annoyance before opening the door, faking a smile to greet the secretary who announces that they'll have to wait for a while. Thus, they sit down in the waiting room, not saying a word, so that a heavy silence remains floating around them, It's not like they're not used to it, though. Awkward silences are part of their lives since so long, they have learned to ignore it.

After they saw each other for the last time, that is to say five days ago, their worries and fears hadn't been long to crush the little spark of hope their conversation had generated. Jungkook had started to doubt whether he would be able to endure six months more trying to put the pieces back together while they hadn't managed to do so in three years. On the other hand, Taehyung had been asking himself if he was ready to let go of Jimin. The latter had been Jungkook and Taehyung's friend for years, not to mention he was also Taehyung's lover. But this one knows that he would have to say farewell if he and Jungkook eventually remained together, and he doesn't like the idea at all. Not only Jimin has always been here for him, but he's also the one who made a little part of his deepest fantasies come true, as Jimin likes rough sex. Thus, Taehyung has slowly become addicted to their sexual intercourses. It's actually quite surprising, as he had never craved sex that much before, and he's not sure if he actually wants to go back to the vanilla sessions he formerly had with his husband. If they eventually remain together, Jungkook will have to change the way he acts in bed...

The counsellor's office door suddenly opens, startling them as they were both deep in their thoughts, and three people come out of the room. Jungkook quickly identifies the couple and wonders if Taehyung and himself look just as tired as these two, if their shoulders hunch forward this way too, as though being crushed under their huge amount of problems.

After saying goodbye to the couple, the woman eventually turns towards them, and the kind smile she sends them helps the two males relaxing a little bit. They greet each other before entering the room, sitting on the black sofa in front of the counsellor's armchair. Taehyung nervously plays with his hands while Jungkook's leg is bouncing up and down slightly, both of them waiting nervously for the therapist to sit down and speak.

When she eventually begins she first asks their names and ages, their professions as well, and then comes the tougher part: their relationship.

"So, tell me..." She begins, her voice calm and composed, "How long have you been together?" Taehyung's throat tightens when he hears the question, as it's always painful for him to recall they've been together for so long and still can't understand each other.

"Eighteen years." Jungkook answers, and Taehyung feels thankful for not having to utter the words.

"And when did you start to have big issues in your couple?

-When he cheated on me." Taehyung immediately replies, earning a murderous gaze from his husband.

"That's not true! Our problems began when Yoongi-" He stops for a second, becoming aware of what he's going to say. "When his brother passed away." He explains with a softer voice, Taehyung emitting a shaky breath because the appointment is already a disaster whereas it's not even been five minutes.

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