Make me your doll (Sequel)

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Tired, tired, tired.

It's the only word that goes through Taehyung's mind as he pulls the handle down, entering the house with a sigh of relief. Between his meeting at the library early in the morning, his boss claiming they needed to rearrange all the bookshelves – which they did, only to hear that it wasn't satisfying – and the traffic congestion on his way home, Taehyung didn't have a lot of time to rest today. It's been like that all week long, and he can't be thankful enough for the fact Saturday is approaching.

"Kookie?" He calls, eyelids prickling from the lack of sleep. The lights are on, which means his husband is awake even at such a late hour. Did he wait for him?

"I'm here!" A voice replies from their bedroom, Taehyung smiling tiredly as he removes his shoes before walking towards the source of the noise. Jungkook is lounging on the bed with a book in his hands, making a grabbing motion towards Taehyung the moment he spots him. It's with a groan of relief that Taehyung nestles into his arms, the book soon forgotten on the edge of the mattress. Jungkook rolls on his back, loving to feel Taehyung weighing down on him as he relaxes in his embrace.

"How have you been?" Taehyung asks, voice muffled into Jungkook's chest.

"Fine, saw Jimin today."

"How is he?"

"Still over excited about his upcoming trip with Hoseok." Jungkook chuckles, "How about you?"

"I think work is going to kill me before the end of the week." The raven-haired male hums soothingly as an answer, starting to massage Taehyung's scalp, and the man feels like melting. He heaves a long sigh in the soft fabric of Jungkook's hoodie, finally feeling all the tension accumulated during the day melting away.

"It's okay... You worked hard today, you can relax now." Jungkook encourages him, kissing the crown of his head, and Taehyung can't prevent another soft sound of pleasure from leaving his mouth. His husband's touches are starting to feel electrifying, and a faint voice at the back of his mind wonders when was the last time he let Jungkook take control and reduce him to a begging mess. "My pretty doll."

It was almost inaudible, but Taehyung catches the words anyway. A strong shiver racks through his body at the same time a whimper resonates in the room, and he belatedly realises the sound came from his mouth.

"Well, who thought you'd like that so much..." He can hear Jungkook's smirk in his voice, and he emits an embarrassed whine, burying his face in his husband's chest in shame.

"Shut up..." He mumbles, Jungkook's chest rumbling as he laughs.

"Actually, this reminds me of this something I read the other day... it was about dollification." Taehyung lifts his head, a spark of curiosity lighting in his gaze.

"D-Dollification?" The words sounds promising, heat spreading on his cheeks as his imagination runs wild.

"It's all about dolls, as you can guess. You act like one and you let your owner do whatever he wants with you." Jungkook explains, and Taehyung hangs on every word, "Dolls don't talk and don't move on their own either, so it's a good way to unwind if you have too much on your mind. I thought maybe it was a good way for you to relax... How does that sound?" Taehyung blinks, feeling like he just had an epiphany. It's like the perfect solution to unwind after that stressful week has miraculously appeared.

"It sounds wonderful. More than wonderful." Jungkook's smile widens, hand replacing a strand of hair behind Taehyung's ear.

"Most people like to dress as dolls but since you're not too into crossdressing, I thought maybe we could turn you into a man doll or something like that. Maybe with a suit and-"

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