Boys with luv (Prequel)

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Taehyung has always been a shy student. The hard-working type, who always gives back his term papers on time, who never causes trouble and reads books during breaks – or at least, when Jimin doesn't start babbling about some random topics like how much he needs a mojito at the moment, which disturbs him in his peaceful reading.

Right now though, Taehyung wishes he would stand out a bit more from the crowd. There's this student doing an oral presentation in front of the whole class, and Taehyung is certain he has never found anyone so beautifully intelligent in his entire life. The kind of intelligence that can make anyone look charming to the point you want to ask them out right on the spot.

That student's name is Jeon Jungkook, a tall boy with raven hair that Taehyung didn't expect to be so brilliant. He never really had a particular opinion about him, except maybe for the fact Jungkook is one hell of a womanizer, given all the different girls Taehyung already saw him with. Apart from that, he was a bit transparent to Taehyung's eyes, and the chestnut-haired male didn't really understand how come every girl in school seemed to be attracted to him – he didn't have such a pretty face, did he?

But now, Taehyung is starting to understand.

They're in French class, and each and every student always has trouble pronouncing the words, the 'r's rolling with difficulty on the tongue and the silent letters never really being silent. Today is the day of the French oral presentation they have every semester, and as always all of them stumble on words and often glance at the teacher with that look of uncertainty that shows they're absolutely not sure that what they're saying is grammatically right.

But here is Jungkook, standing in front of the whole class and speaking without an ounce of effort, as if he was born to speak French. Taehyung hangs on his every word, loving the way they flow effortlessly out of his mouth, his grammar perfect judging by the small nods the teacher makes from time to time.

"Very good Jungkook," She praises him at the end of his speech, "Did you by any chance live in France before?"

"No Madam," Jungkook replies, and the whole class makes a sound of shock in unison, "But I like French a lot, so I study every day."

For the first time, Taehyung is really unhappy that their French course is the only class they have in common with Jungkook's group. He doesn't see him until the end of the week, sending glances after glances to the raven-haired boy and having troubles focusing on what the teacher is saying. Jungkook doesn't seem to notice, not sparing him any glance, and Taehyung is almost certain he doesn't even know his name.

Really, how he wishes he stood out so he could catch Jungkook's attention...

"It's really weird..." He tells Jimin one day, spread over the mattress as they're having a pyjama party, just the two of them. It's something they often do, going to the cinema to watch a movie before coming back to Jimin's house and playing Ocarina of Time together. But sometimes they just talk together on Jimin's bed, and if usually it's mainly Jimin speaking and Taehyung listening, tonight it's the other way round. "Why do I keep watching him? Do I really want to be his friend that bad?"

Jimin sits up with a sigh, cupping Taehyung's cheeks gently with a face that tells Taehyung his friend knows something he doesn't.

"Tae, I'm sorry but I have to break it to you."

"W-What? What's happening?" Taehyung sits up at his turn, suddenly a bit worried.

"You're head over heels for Jungkook."

Silence falls on the room, and the puzzled face Taehyung makes would have made Jimin laugh if it wasn't for the seriousness of the situation.

"What do you mean?" The chestnut-haired boy eventually asks, visibly trying to draw conclusions from Jimin's words without managing to.

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