Peaches and cream (Sequel)

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"I've put on some weight lately." Jimin pouts as he looks at himself in the mirror, Hoseok immediately bending over to kiss the small bump that recently appeared on his boyfriend's stomach.

"I think it's cute." He retorts, drying his wet hair with a towel after the shower they took together. Jimin doesn't look very convinced though, poking at the bump lightly with a look of disapproval.

"It's been a while I haven't worked out or went for a run... But it's kinda boring, I don't want to do it anymore." Hoseok embraces his body from behind, leaving a small kiss on the crook of his nape.

"You should try something else, don't you think? You're quite flexible, you could try yoga and see if you like it." Jimin raises his eyebrows, as he had never really considered that before.

"You know what? That's not a bad idea."

"Did I ever have a bad idea?" Hoseok teases with a smirk, and Jimin decides to retaliate.

"That time you agreed to take care of your colleague's puppy while he was abroad and it ended up peeing all over the couch? Or maybe you want to talk about that time you suggested doing the scariest ride in the park and ended up bawling your eyes out? Oh, and let's not forget-"

"Fine, fine, I might have bad ones sometimes." Jimin grins, turning around in Hoseok's embrace to peck his lips.

"But this one can't go wrong, right?"

"That would be a surprise."


Jimin ends up taking yoga lessons in a club, loving the teacher and spending the first few months going there three times a week. He becomes more fit and says goodbye to the small bump on his stomach, but he also becomes more flexible, which is something Hoseok certainly loves a lot, especially when they're in bed. However, at one point, Jimin starts having less motivation, grumbling a little whenever he has to go.

"It's not that I don't like it there," He explains as Hoseok is lying on the couch with his head on Jimin's thighs, the man absentmindedly brushing his hair, "It's just that I can never really concentrate. I need some silence to focus, and there's always another student who coughs or asks something to the teacher. I think I might as well stop and do it on my own in here." Jimin loves the apartment they moved in together a while ago, he appreciates the quietness that surrounds it, and he tells himself it would be a perfect place to relax and practice on his own.

"That's a good idea..." Hoseok mumbles, starting to fall asleep thanks to Jimin's ministrations. The man stops talking with a fond smile, watching as his boyfriend falls asleep in his lap with a sleepy pout on his lips.

The next day, Jimin carries his yoga mat to the living room, the only place in the flat where he has enough room to practice – Hoseok insisted on buying a king-sized bed, which means there's not much space left in their bedroom.

Hoseok is reading on the couch, glancing at Jimin from time to time as this one is getting ready for practice.

"Do I have to leave?" He asks, but Jimin shakes his head with a smile as he puts his yoga pants on.

"No, you can stay, don't worry. It's not like you can be very noisy while reading a book." He chuckles, and Hoseok smiles back, but his gaze is suddenly attracted to the tightness of the yoga pants Jimin is wearing.

"You're... going to wear this for practice?"

"Uhm... Yeah? That's why they're called yoga pants." Jimin snickers, and Hoseok blushes as he realises the stupidity of his question. "Why?"

"No, nothing." Jimin's smirk widens, as if he knows exactly what is going through Hoseok's mind.

"If it's too distracting, you can go read in the bedroom." Shit, he knows exactly what's going through Hoseok's mind.

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