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Hoseok had always been certain he wouldn't ever love someone like he had loved Yoongi.

The man had been his first love, and even though it had been one-sided and had remained purely platonic, Yoongi had stayed etched into his heart for years and years. Hoseok had thought it would remain like this, and that no one would be as dear to him as he was. It was alright though, as long as he got to see Yoongi often, and as long as the older was happy. He didn't ask for anything more. After all, he had grieved for the possibility of being with Yoongi since long, and had accepted that nothing would ever happen between the man and himself. So, if the only thing he could get was being his friend, he was willing to have it. Thus, he had been there whenever Yoongi needed him, had supported him when the man had gone through tough times. He was fine with this, fine with being as supportive of the older man as he could, if that was what could help Yoongi become happier. But even that, he couldn't have it.

Hoseok wasn't a fatalist. He had always forced himself to see the brighter side of life, even if this one hadn't always been easy. He had learnt to content himself with what he had, even if it was just Yoongi's friendship. But when the man he cherished so much passed away, Hoseok couldn't help but wonder whether or not he was cursed.

His feelings had eventually faded away, quicker than he had expected. It was as if his heart understood it was useless to love now that the object of its affection wasn't there anymore.

Hoseok had thought he would never feel such a strong love again. Yes, he would surely love someone, maybe get married, even. But no one would ever compare to Yoongi.

And yet, life wasn't done surprising him, in a good way this time.

It's so strange, to suddenly be attracted to someone who has been right in front of his eyes all this time. So strange to be in love with one of his best friends. And yet, Hoseok finds himself falling for Jimin more with each day passing. Jimin, with whom he speaks until the early hours of the day, until his throat is sore from talking so much. Jimin, who cares about him, who showers him with love all the time, who cuddles with him and peppers his face with kisses. Jimin, whose body has already been entirely mapped by Hoseok's lips, the man tracing random patterns with his tongue everywhere until Jimin cries from pleasure into his arms.

Of course, he will never forget Yoongi. The latter will always remain an important part of his life, will always remain his first love. But now, Hoseok wants to focus on the present, wants to focus on Jimin and Jimin alone.

Hoseok had always been certain he wouldn't ever love someone like he loved Yoongi, and it's funny how Jimin proves him wrong every day.


Jimin had never thought he would fall in love one day.

He wasn't one to get attached, far from it. He couldn't understand this feeling that had made Taehyung and Jungkook get together. Of course he was happy for them, yet he couldn't help but wonder, what is the point of falling in love? One-night stands and friends with benefits were so much better, you could have sex with anyone you wanted, have so many experiences, compare who was a good fuck and who wasn't. Basically, you could have a great time with no strings attached, what could be better than this?

Afterwards, Jimin had started to understand what made two people get together. Of course, he still had never fallen in love with anyone, but he conceived that it might be nice to be with someone. Going home and having a lover with whom sharing what happened in the day and cuddling would surely be nice.

With years passing by, he began to feel a twinge of jealousy when he saw people in love. He was happy for Taehyung and Jungkook, but sometimes it hurt a bit to see them so happy together. Of course, he was content even if he was alone, but Jimin wondered from time to time what it would be like to be in love. Maybe he was broken, maybe he would never be able to feel it, he told himself. But then he recalled, I'm young, it can still happen.

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