Not today (Sequel)

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Damn you Kim Taehyung, Jungkook thinks for the umpteenth time that day. Because of his brat of a husband, Jungkook has been ruminating his vengeance for the past nine hours, ever since he got out of bed. God, he's so annoyed that his jaw clenches every time he thinks about Taehyung.

But he's also really, really horny.

It all started when Taehyung woke him up with a kiss this morning, his lips then trailing lower and lower until they reached Jungkook's hips. Jungkook was already naked given their previous late-night activities, but when he opened his eyes, he realised Taehyung was already dressed up for work.

"Aren't you going to be late?" He asked with a hoarse voice, rubbing at one of his eyes and sighing as Taehyung licked a long stripe along his hipbone. A glance at the clock told him it was almost time for Taehyung to go to the library where he worked, but the man surprisingly didn't seem in a hurry.

"Don't worry about that..." Taehyung smirked, taking his half-erected cock into his mouth. Forgetting all about his questions, Jungkook's head sunk into the pillow as a loud sigh left his lips. Taehyung's mouth was tight around him, tongue licking all the right places while his hand stroked the base. Jungkook felt fingers brushing over his waist, and it wasn't long before he linked his own hand with Taehyung's, squeezing it to find some purchase.

But then, just as he was fully hard, Taehyung pulled back with a smile, gently pecking Jungkook's lips.

"See you tonight, Baby."

"W-What?!" Taehyung winked at him as he rushed out of the room, leaving a stunned Jungkook behind. He didn't even have time to call him that he heard the front door closing, his poor dick twitching pitifully from the sudden lack of attention.

Jungkook doesn't know what has gotten into Taehyung. He messaged him to try to get an answer, but there was no reply from his husband, which pisses him off even more.

He can't wait to come back home and kick Taehyung's teasing ass.

However, for now he has to focus on his job. Granted, classes are over for today, but he still has dozens and dozens of term papers to grade. He keeps reminding himself to remain objective and not to be too harsh – students aren't responsible for blue balling him, after all, in contrary of his husband.

Jungkook is halfway through the pile of essays when he hears someone knocking at his office door, making him sigh. He's not really in the mood for a polite conversation right now, whether it's with a student or a colleague. But he tries to forget about his bad mood as he walks towards the door, preparing himself mentally for smiling at whoever is behind that door.

It's not a smile that spreads on his face when he spots the man standing on the threshold, but an expression of pure shock. Taehyung is here, dressed in a baby blue sweater that is twice too large for him, emphasizing his thin frame. The jeans he's wearing are ripped, his honeyed skin visible through the holes over his thighs and knees. Cherry on top, Taehyung is sucking on a lollipop, his innocent gaze lifted on Jungkook's face.

Jungkook gulps heavily, before reminding himself he's supposed to grumble about being left frustrated this morning. He's about to open his mouth, but Taehyung beats him to it:

"Hello, Sir... I-I just wanted to ask you one or two questions related to our French class..." Jungkook raises an eyebrow, not having expected Taehyung to start a roleplay right here and now, on the threshold of his office. "I hope I'm not interrupting?"

"Oh... No, you're not," Jungkook replies instinctively, stepping on the side, "Please, enter."

Hi gaze drifts down as Taehyung walks inside, his lower abdomen starting to burn in interest. Still, are they really going to do this? It's all so cliché it's almost ridiculous. Jungkook might not be so into office roleplay, after all, he tells himself as something uncomfortable stirs in his abdomen. It's a very strange situation, where he is just as aroused by his husband as he finds their conversation ridiculous.

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