Talk - Part One

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 "Fuck... Harder, Kookie, please..." Taehyung murmurs with a broken voice, back arching when the raven-haired male accelerates the pace of his hips. His husband stayed true to the promise he made the other day, littering his body with angry red hickeys and gripping at his hips with so much strength that the marks would surely remain for a week after that. Jungkook had thought he wouldn't really be fond of this way of having sex, yet he can't say he doesn't like it when he sees the brown-haired male writhing in pure pleasure underneath him, bangs sticking to his forehead and body having taken several shades of red under his ministrations. Of course, the taller male knows that Taehyung wants more, so much more, but rough sex is already so unfamiliar to them that they both agreed to go step by step.

Taehyung claims his lips when he feels himself getting closer, hand beginning to stroke himself but quickly pried away by the raven-haired male, who touches his husband in synch with the rhythm of his hips. The harsh bite over his shoulder that follows is all Taehyung needs to tumble over the edge, nails digging into Jungkook's back and white spots dancing behind his eyelids.

Jungkook begins to slow down his gestures, not wanting Taehyung to suffer from over-stimulation, but the brown-haired male shakes his head and rolls them over, beginning to rock his hips even though his thighs are trembling from exhaustion.

"Tae- You sure?" Jungkook asks in a whisper, having troubles not to close his eyes at the sensations. A mischievous grin grows over the brown-haired male's face at these words, the man leaning towards his husband's ear.

"I want to feel you come inside of me." The tension in Jungkook's belly snaps when he hears his husband's sentence, the pleasure intensifying even more when Taehyung purrs in bliss feeling the warmth of Jungkook's release.

"Fuck... Baby..." Jungkook whimpers softly as he loses himself in the waves that spread in his veins, the only thing grounding him to reality being Taehyung's fond kisses over his temple. Eventually, his body goes limp, pure satisfaction replacing the thrill of his orgasm.

Taehyung doesn't stop fondling him, fingers gently grazing Jungkook's cheek as he watches him slowly coming back on Earth. Jungkook's eyes flutter open after a while, meeting his husband's gaze, and they chuckle softly together.

"Does it hurt?" The raven-haired male inquires, thumb tenderly rubbing over one of his husband's bruises.

"Not now... But I'm pretty sure I'll begin to feel sore in an hour or so." Taehyung grins, but the taller man can't help a little wince.

"Are you sure this is okay?

-Of course, Kookie... It's a good kind of pain. Every time it will hurt, I'll remember how good you fucked me." Jungkook's cheeks flame at his crude words, but a smile spreads over his lips.

"If you say so... I'm certainly not going to complain." Taehyung laughs softly, applying a little peck over the raven-haired male's mouth. "Hey... Can I take you on a date today?" Taehyung raises his eyebrows, before a delighted smile splits his face in half.

"A date? Really?

-Yeah... We only had one at the restaurant so far, but I feel like it would be a good habit to take, don't you think?" Taehyung couldn't agree more, thinking that going on a date after morning sex might be one of the best ways to spend the day.

That's how they enter an ice-cream parlour an hour after, hair still a bit damp from the shower. Going to this place was Taehyung's idea, as the man declared he needed something to cool down after that heated session, which hadn't failed to make Jungkook grin proudly.

It's a warm day, which contrasts greatly with the tempest that occurred a few days ago, and as a result Taehyung couldn't put on any scarf on to hide the marks over his neck. It makes Jungkook feel embarrassed, but he can't say he doesn't feel pleased whenever he catches sight of the redness on Taehyung's neck and remembers that the rest of his body looks exactly the same, if not worse - better, in Jungkook's point of view. He's really starting to like this idea of rough sex...

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