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Jungkook enters the bed after having thrown the soiled washcloth inside of the laundry basket, spooning his naked husband who hums lightly in wellness. The brown-haired male is still panting a little from his orgasm, and Jungkook takes pride in the marks he knows are all over his husband's body, gently tracing them with the tip of his finger so that shivers bloom on the skin in its wake. The digit runs over Taehyung's chest before exploring his belly and eventually getting lost in his thighs, the man squirming a bit into his arms from over-sensitivity.

"J-Jungkook..." Taehyung emits when the said man starts slowly kissing down his neck, "We've already done it twice...

-You tired?" The raven-haired male murmurs into his ear while his hand grazes Taehyung's lower abdomen, right above his cock, so that he can't help but exhale shakily. He is indeed a bit tired, but the way Jungkook touches him makes him feel like he's the most beautiful man in the world, and he wants his husband to feel that way too. That's why he turns around in Jungkook's embrace, applying a little peck on his forehead, his nose and finally his lips.

"Not so tired anymore..." He grins after that, receiving a kiss as an answer, and he notices the way Jungkook's lips are curled in a smile as well. Taehyung knows his whole body will be sore by tomorrow, and that the two of them will wake up far too late to go to the market as they planned earlier. But he doesn't care, not when Jungkook's tongue swirls with his so delightfully and that his hands roam over his body as though they can't get enough of him.

Taehyung touches him too, mapping every curve of Jungkook's body that he already knows by heart but loves to rediscover over and over again. Their limbs are tangled and their mouths sealed tightly, pale skin contrasting with tan one, raven hair against brown. Everything is much tender than their earlier sessions that were all about releasing their sexual frustration, all about loud moans of pleasure and harsh pace of the hips. Now, each and every gesture is gentle, and if it would have frustrated Taehyung before, it doesn't anymore. He's the first one surprised, but after all he now knows that his husband isn't against the idea of rough sex the slightest, and that many other marks on his body will join the current ones in the future. He can have that whenever he wants, and it makes him relish what they're currently sharing, all the sweet touches and the little sighs of pleasure they emit from time to time.

"Kookie... Please..." He whimpers softly against his husband's lips, this one grinning cheekily as an answer. Jungkook knows what the brown-haired male wants, but he's a little tease and Taehyung finds himself squirming in frustration into his arms a few minutes after, when Jungkook still hasn't done anything other than touching his body all over. "I hate you..." Taehyung whines, earning a little chuckle as his actions and words contrast immensely, one of his hands currently stroking the taller man's shaft while the other is tangled into the inky strands.

"Sure..." Jungkook replies with a smile, and Taehyung would have smiled back if he didn't feel so empty.

"Fuck you." He groans, knowing what the other is going to answer to these words before Jungkook even opens his mouth.

"Oh, don't you want it the other way round? I thought so..." Not being able to bear with more teasing, Taehyung rolls them over so that he's on top, before taking hold of his husband's cock and finally sinking down on it.

"Ahh... You're so eager, I can't even tease you." Jungkook chuckles yet his voice is hoarse with arousal, the delicious friction around him making his head spin in pleasure.

"How could I not be eager?" The brown-haired male smiles, gently nudging Jungkook's nose with his before their foreheads meet. The two of them become still, taking a little while to relish how well their bodies fit together, how close they are and how intimate this feels. It's like they have been married for a couple of months instead of eighteen years, Taehyung thinks. Their new way of communicating has definitely had an impact on many aspects of their relationship, including their sex life.

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