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I looked up at the sky as I felt something deep down inside. Jaebum...

I clenched my fist tightly as we've lost a good one.

I was brought back to reality when an arms was placed around my waist, making me turned around only to see Rose's sad face, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I just felt like hugging you tight."

"Are you bothered with the Queen earlier?"

"Why would I? Of course not-"

I pecked her lips out of nowhere, making her pout sadly, "I'm talking."

"You're lying."

She looked away from me, making me sigh harshly and carried her to the desk and we stared at each other for awhile, memorizing this moment of ours, "Nothing will happen to both of us, right?"

I furrowed my eyes instantly as I smiled lovingly at her while caressing her face gently, "I can guarantee you that nothing will happen. Don't worry, Rose. I'm here."

She let the tears out flow through her cheeks, "I'm afraid...I really want to know what she meant, but at the same time, I don't want to know."

"What you want to know?"

"Now that we became soulmate, what'll happen next?"

I wore a sad face, making her smile weakly, "Rose..."

"Why did you stop?"

"I don't know how it's going to happen, but one of us will die by fate."

Rose gasped sadly, making me look at her worriedly as I grabbed her hands tightly, "Don't think about it deeply. I won't let that happen. It's all in the past so this time, I'll change the future."

"N-No...I don't want that to happen. I want both of us to live together in a lifetime."

Rose then sobbed hard as she comes into my arms, not letting me go. I held back my tears and hugged her back tightly, "I'm the same."

I'm scared too. I've had that dream. I don't want Rose to die right before my eyes.

Little did I know, I was already crying, which had Rose surprised to see.

I laughed awkwardly, "What's with me? I shouldn't cry..."

She smiled forcefully and brought me into her embrace, making it harder for me to stop my tears. I cried harder this time, admitting that one of us will die. It always happen to every soulmates. After we pulled away from one another's embrace, we faced each other lovingly.

"I want to be one with you, Jimin."

I caressed her face softly, mesmerized with her beautiful look as well as her eyes, nose and lips. I kissed her forehead. Her eyes. Both of her cheeks. Her jawline. Her nose.

She reopened her eyes after and immediately smile, giving me a butterflies in my stomach.

"I love you, Chaeyoung."

Her eyes grew wider as she chuckled happily, "I love you too, Jimin."

I leaned in closer to give a passionate kiss as we have always wanted take one another's first time. We both didn't want to regret later so we thought the same thing. All the memories played inside our head as we kissed passionately and gasped for an air every time.

"Don't let me go this time, Chaeyoung."

She nods her head in fear as I brought her to the bed and enjoyed every little things to keep in our memory. Our bodies touched as it filled with lust, warmth, and lastly, love. We forgot everything and focused on us at such an important moment. 

I won't ever leave you if you were given a second chance to live.

When I First Saw You (Park Jimin x Rose)Where stories live. Discover now