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His the bad boy and your the good girl.

I am the good girl of my school, the nerd, the boring one. There is this one guy, EVERYONE is terrified of him, he was in Juvie. Joel Pimentel, the bad boy with a record. Even the teachers are afraid. I'm not. Why should I? Today is a normal day until I go downstairs. "Honey, there is new neighbours and their son has been in juvie. Joel Pimentel." said mum. I just nod. "Oh cool" said Raven. 

I go back up and get ready, I look across and it's Joel looking at me. I run back down and get in my car and his getting on his motorbike. I finally get there and walk in. I spot Aaliyah. "Hey girl, Joel moved next door to you, Jack was telling me" said Lia. I nod. I walk down the hall and Kack is yelling at Joel. "You dumb dude! You arsehole. You are not even liked here!" said Jack. Joel just growls. I go over and Jack punched Joel. I grab Jack's arm. "Stop! He did nothing! What did he even do?" asked Raven. "He.... he exists!" said Jack. "Oh wow, but so do you and you just punched him! That's stupid! He is human, he has feelings!" said Raven. Jack raises his hand to hit me and Joel punches him. "You don't hit a girl!" said Joel. Joel grabs my hand and pulls me out of the school to my car. "Open the door. We're ditching" said Joel. I just nod and open the door. 

We get in and I drive to the park and park the car. We go to the swings. "Are you OK?" asked Raven. "Yeah... it just annoys me that he thinks I am a piece of shit over a mistake" said Joel. "What did you do?" asked Raven. "Rob a shop.... which the gang I was with blamed me and well of to juvie I went" said Joel. "Oh Joel" said Raven. I hug him. "Your amazing, ya know that" said Raven. "No. I liked you since kindergarden but then we grew and everything happened. I think you deserve better though" said Joel. 

"No I liked you since then as well and I do deserve you and you deserve me. No one can tell us who we should date" said Raven. He looks at me. "Thank you, for not being afraid of me," said Joel. I lean in and kiss him. He smiles. "I love you" said Joel. "I love you too, Joel" said Raven. "Will you be my girlfriend?" asked Joel. "Yes, Joel, I will" said Raven. We go back to school. 

Jack walks over. "I am so sorry but go on a date with me" said Jack. "I have a boyfriend, meet Joel, my boyfriend" said Raven. "His the bad boy, with the record" said Jack. "Yeah and?" said Raven. "He'll abuse you!" said Jack. "I would never!" said Joel. We walk off. 

We ignore the remarks and the stares and everything. We go home and my mum comes over. "I heard your dating. I understand you love him, don't hurt my daughter" said mum. "I won't" said Joel. We go to my room and we just relax. 

I love Joel and he loves me!

I hope you enjoyed it, raven_leianne

Lorna cx

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